
monster beats omplete satisfactori

Chapter 636 line strives for
Those non-commissioned officers that calls an injustice, they are responsible for the safety of Hou mansion, the nature can not literally make people get into a Hou mansion.That tube is rather just a bad old headman in times before, the breeze will be blown to run on paring off of appearance, plus male Sun Kang to beside accompany, they nature is don't dare to block.But tube rather and after death of the attendant, all of a s are person, Gao Ma Da Dun, , run about, full of vigor, all obviously fight a shot superior!Person like this, they again would not dare to and literally put go into, be give°ing them to block down naturally, but have never thought oneself serve faithfully a job to guard and change scold mercilessly.
Male Sun Kang all delivered words, these non-commissioned officer how dare to continue to block, the favour is to back a part, let to take care of rather those attendants to enter a Hou mansion.However male Sun Kang isn't that kind of either dullard, in those early years also once quelled campaign against along with male Sun Du everywhere, several non-commissioned officers that guarded a door could see out of thing, would he can not see clearly again.Looking at those attendants, male Sun Kang's eyes a bright, rather say with smile to the tube:"The Sir's a few attendants are very good!"
Isn't only quite good!Male Sun Kang Yi sees and then knows, the superior who all fights on the battlefield!Is other what can also hide, but that kind of taking out the bloody flavor coming from the battlefield all anyway can not hide.Tube rather this is just a recluse scholar that is lived as recluse to Xuan Tu and is from humble family, nearby and how can suddenly many so many superiors?Obviously male Sun Kang is very interested in to this!However tube rather for male Sun Kang's question is to don't peep out the least bit panic, but say with a smile:"This is the all small old sons at come to Xiang even road up save down of brave man, originally saw the common people whom they are hungry dizzy in the wayside, also thought to just run away from disaster, but have never thought all of them are those early years Liu Shi Jun's attendant.They are subjected to the boon of small old son, this rice, would like to follow behind small old son to requite favors just!"
Tube rather and so on explaining, Mr. Sun Kang is also suddenly realize, speak of Liu Shi Jun in the You state, naturally don't mean now at Xu Zhou's Liu have, but meant to die in those early years at Mr. Sun Zan and Liu Bei's under charge's former incumbent You state sting history Liu Yu!Liu Yu is serving as the bosom that the tenure of the You state sting history practices soft policy, not only make the fresh vulgar person support Liu Yu, even the common people of You state the region also appreciate very much to Liu Yu.Is contrary, male Sun Zan always all advocate force conquest, especially after removing Liu Yu and administering You state, speed extended to conscript in the You state, will good like a You state makes is the people finds it hard to live on.Thus one contrast, the You state common people have already thought of Liu Yu to cure the next You state in those early years more.
And Liao although the east is so always more independent than You state for several years, as for words that really want to calculate, should be belong to You state inshore.And male noble family and Mr. Sun Zan of still have to a lot ofly observe a festival, Mr. noble family nature is also inclined toward Liu Yu more, so many in the last yearses, Mr. noble family is beating to revenge for Liu Yu of signal, called the old department of many Liu's worries.Now listen to a tube rather and so on saying, male Sun Kang treats those visions of attendants are also well a lot of, right away would be to roar with laughter a way:"The righteous person that is under the debt of Liu Shi Jun!At under Be getting more disrespectful!"Say, male Sun Kang is also to those attendant arches arch hand, certainly, a few attendants just, male Sun Kang pours also not worthwhile be rather like to treat tube that sort is over-courteous, this arch hand has already at last pretty much treated generously.
Those attendants are to hurriedly return to gift to male Sun Kang and take the lead one person although the shape isn't high, but is grow extremely thick solid, give person 1 kind very trust of felling.He towards male Sun Kang be drink a way:"Righteous person you do me too much honor, I etc. just down and out of person, get the Sir Help of boon, previously unfamiliar next just to get along just!"
The cordial but independent that is this person to talk tone, but is to have manner, see male Sun Kang is just also eyes flash across glow-in-the-dark, obviously have love of heart.However took care of to rather just just arrive now, male Sun Kang also not the noodles being tube rather dig wall feet and also only temporary forget about it and once waited a segment time again say, anyway this several people be all rather and nearby taking care of, the momentary half will can not run either where go.
Immediately male Sun Kang woulded be to arrange to stop for the night for a while to this a few attendants and after all treated will male Sun Kang still want with take care of to rather talk to order a serious matter, this a few attendant heel at nearby also disreputable.A few attendants pour is first see an eye take care of rather and see a tube rather after noding approval, this just to male Sun Kang embrace once the boxing do obeisance and kept on backing under the leading of Hou mansion family servant.But see this a few actions of attendants, male Sun Kang's in the mind that is to more and more appreciate, temporary press idea, turn head to tube rather did a signal for pleasing, say with smile:"Take care of a Sir!Please here!"
And say those a small hospitals that the attendants arrived a Hou mansion under the leading of family servant, is male Sun Kang to give them the abodes of arrangement here.After arrangement likes they, that expert servant would is Gong body one gift and respectfully says:"A few brave men take a rest, please!If have what demand, though the dynasty outside shouts be!Will complete satisfactorily for a few brave men from someone!"Existence in the Hou mansion environment like this, although just a very small family servant, also is to have a pair of extraordinary eyesights, just Mr. Sun Kang treated the attitude of this a few attendants so passionate, he even if is wanted to also know these with the toe far from common role of attendant, nature is was good friends with to invite so much.
Those attendants pouring don't also put what shelf, previous and Mr. Sun Kang talk of the person toward that family servant to would be one gift and say:"Have the Lao little elder brother!"Immediately is again to come forward an one step, the right hand is slight on trembling, but is a mourned money to fill into the center of palm of that family servant.
Feel oneself's hand suddenly weighed a lot, that family servant is to eat a surprised, however bend over to look below, on the face of the family servant right away be peeped out brilliant smiling face, favour is say:"The brave man is getting more polite!Be getting more polite!Hereafter have what want the mean person does of, though order be!"Say, that family servant woulded be to fall back to leave a small hospital.
See come home after servant leave, but those attendants is suddenly would be all of a sudden toward the small hospital of spread out on all sides, at small hospital fence around inspect some kind of later on, this just returned to inside the set of rooms,monster beats.The owners all shook to shake head and saw the shape of the companions toward the that outlooking thick solid attendant, that outlooking was thick solid of attendant this is to loosen tone and noded to say:"H'm, although that male Sun Kang didn't send person to keep watch on,we can not drop, either with the light heart!You by turn defend a small hospital, never expose an identity!"
"BE!Huge general!"All of a few attendants are that the voices together drank low a , but this outlooking thick solid person, the nature is a Li bluntness heavy the pair riding get generally huge virtuous!Is huge virtuous to follow to take care of this time rather a come to Xiang even city, nature is received Zhao Yun's life to come a protection tube rather, this tube rather of the task is very important, relate to connect down west Qin can seize You state smoothly, so is huge virtuous is also very careful caution.
Lead approximately a many hours, tube rather in Mr. under Sun Kang's convoy, this just returned to a small hospital.Is original according to male Sun Kang's meaning, is want to take care of rather and moreover again arrange a better residence, however tube rather is to repeatedly decline, must with own of the attendants live together.Male Sun Kang's pouring don't also doubt what, don't force, just ordered under charge persons to prepare some thing for this small hospital more.
On the whole is wait male Sun Kang person to advised to walk, tube rather on walking into set of rooms, huge virtuous two western Qin Jun's non-commissioned officer would being to let under charge outside stay by the side and immediately would be to tube rather say:"Take care of a Sir!How is affair?"
"H'm!"The tube rather ordered to nod, on the previous face of smile an idea but is to disappear, sink a voice rightness Be huge virtuous to say:"The affair before thinks than us still need to bother some!Male Sun Kang has already controled Liao eastern most of military powers, the Liao east that leaves little part will get still is hesitating, if male Sun Du Yi die, only afraid this Liao east that leave will get to also come back to immediately pour to male Sun Kang!Huge general!Can general's idea really be carried out?I but hear, that male respectfullly and only was a Wan Mao sons, the root is unbearable to greatly use!"
Is huge virtuous but is to shake to shake head, said:"Take care of a Sir, these affair you ask an end to be able to at last ask a wrong person!End will of the task is the safety that protects a Sir, as for how do, end will but is don't understand!General before once says, arrived Xiang even after, how do to all all listen to the Sir's conductor!The Sir feels how do, that how do!"
Was huge virtuous to all say so, the tube rather was also to have nothing to say, he pours to really take seriously huge virtuous words.What be called to all listen to own conductor, if oneself decides and gives up this plan, only afraid at present this is fierce to sign a horse will give° oneself to tie up!Pass by after being waited person to cooperate by Zhao Yun to utter once last time, the tube is rather on the whole to understand, these western Qin's fighting to be able to have no one is a kind Chi!Just tube rather have already ascended now this pirate ship, want to get away perhaps is a this present life Be getting more hopeless.
Was wrinkly to knit the brows, the tube rather would was to huge virtuous say:"No matter how it is say, let's get in touch with this male Sun Gong first!Just I and male Sun Kang together of time, spoke of tomorrow Mr. Sun Kang would formally entertain me and poured is Be Mr. noble family's two childes, Mr. respectfullly affirmative is appear!Huge general, you send a person again to have eyes fixed on him and work well with the preparation that he meets at any time when the time comes!"Tube rather male Sun Gong in, would be male Sun Du's two sons, Mr. Sun Kang's close younger brother is also previous Mr. Sun Kang and those in of two childes who stays overnight to hang up a column!
But this tube rather come to Xiang even task, is the identity that wants to make use of a tube rather, help the two childes who are placed in a minority, from his elder brother Mr. Sun Kang Shou, seize the main position of the east of Liao!Let male Sun Gong as again when the time comes the puppet of clear noodles, west Qin can say is secretly took down Liao east and again can't arouse You state Mr. Sun Zan's alert!This is also the stratagem that previous Zhao Yun wants out!
"Re!"The arrangement finished listenning to a tube rather, huge virtuous and inside the building of a stem all of the non-commissioned officer is low voice sing Re 1.But tube rather but is not from get wry smile get up, oneself unexpectedly so absurdly official, and oneself stilled is most the affair of despised before doing this kind of, really builted to turn to make a person!However, for the sake of the common people of the city of Xuan Tu, , even for the sake of the common people of world, quell this chaotic soon, oneself carries on the back some infamy and calculates what?Thought of here, tube rather of eyes not from get bright get up:Luo's sun, only wish you can't let my disappointment!
[w w w .bxwx b o o k .c o m]

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