
cnn golden army

Power. So he decided to temporarily take refuge in Yang yan . , relationresultSuzaku Road : but now Yang inflammation may not be able to make up ,and help us . , relationresultZhao said : as long as we put grass right that to tell Yang Yan ,you said that Yang Yan will not sit idly by .
, relationresult1fourteen mutiny , relationresultYang Yanarrived in heaven to the house when the afternoon, by the heaven palace people lined the streets to welcome .Although less than enthusiastic in Longxing palace ,but also very grand .
Zhao Dun proclaimed himself Emperor pedal base than the day more lively .Because Yang Yan won the victory to learn to heaven palace people ,old people simple ,all know that Yang Yan is the real efforts to fight the Jin army, so he was dismissed from office after all for him ,natural rough ,now see Yang Yanguan position ,so spontaneous out to welcome the Yang yan .
relationresultNow a daysPro government garrison ,Division I was moved two army led by Liu Bao ,stationed at Jianchang army ,in the heaven palace was with four Army division ,nearly thirty thousand troops ,plus horse army division nearly ten thousand troops and infantry division newly recruited nearly four thousand people ,day Pro government or there are more than 40000 imperial guard .
But only because division of the arch Crusader army stationed in the heaven Palace City ,responsible for the palace guard and maintain the public security troops stationed outside the city ,the remaining embedded in .
Because division into East and south ,Ma tie in the west division of infantry division ,tied in the north .relationresultYang Yan andWu Tin Lead :Cuifeng army first division ,Cao Xun was led by the group behind ,to the day near the house near Cao Xun in the East ,fifteen mile outside the office ,find a quiet place under the village .
Wu Xi led the push front army are all followed Yang Yan into the town, but the last Yang Yanlai heaven Palace also will push front army more than 3000 people all in Lake City ,so that no surprise .
relationresultGo into town,Wu Xi army camp for soldiers ,Yang Yan ,and Zhao Qianru go back to the house to see Yang Yizhong .Three people meet, Yang Yizhong was asked this a court decree ,let Yang Yan reinstated after .
relationresultOriginallythis time Yang Yan reinstatement also experienced a fierce debate ,long yuan ,Shi h et al natural advocates not Yang Yan, and even take the defeat at fault all count on Yang Yan ,to incite the army to escape Yang Yan punishment for crime .
But Chen Junqing ,Han Yanzhi and others to secure Yang Yan ,call this a defeat ,in said Zhang replaced Yang Yan after the thing ,and there is no evidence that Yang Yan and the left lost relationship ,instead defeated ,said Zhang should defend Longxing palace ,resistance to Jinbing ,but he kept private from the ground ,fled back to temporary palace, but Yang Yan Longxing palace in charge ,pick up the consequences ,visible and innocent Yang Yan ,and Zhang said is really should be punished .
Double points and debate .relationresultLater Yang Yizhongheard that Zhao Yueru was in the palace received Zhao Dun ,Chen Ming stakes, finally said Zhao Dun heartbeat ,it decreed that restore Yang Yan office .
Just now but heart song new defeat ,said Zhang leave a mess to clean up ,Longxing Palace also do not defend, can not stop to attack ,so Yang Yanzhao will come back to pro government inquiry, but also has to comfort Yang Yan .
relationresultAfter listening to these words,Yang Yan and Zhao Qianru then assured many .It seems that this should be a normal Chao see ,he is some suspicious .But Yang Yan thought, Zhao Dun is set too soft, and no idea ,it won repeated ,not allowed to say what changes ,so they should be careful as well .
But don worry, also not tell him the darkness army thing ,but most also only in the heaven palace for two or three days ,with a walk ,no one will know .relationresultThat night,they were in the house of Yang Yizhong rest ,the very next day early in the morning, Yang Yan immediately to the Privy Council to report ,Han Yan straight to see him ,to comfort him one time, and also told Yang Yan ,this was just a normal Chao see ,no other purpose ,then with Yang Yan ,the house on the ground see Zhao dun .
Yang Yancai almost all down .relationresultSeeZhao Dun, bowed over, Zhao Dun said: Yang Qing, the former is to fool I mistakenly ,momentary carelessness ,will your office removed ,after also too late to regret ,Chi Suchuyoshi ,also hope you forgive ,continue with help and great song .
, relationresultYang Yan,said: his fear ,I have complaint in the court ,that court officials in useful ,since when the shrink from no sacrifice . , relationresultZhao Dun nodded,and said: just now Jin potential big ,urgent ,and I the great song new defeat ,couplet is very worried ,do not know of what it can retreat jinbing .
, relationresultWhen it comes tothe present situation ,Yang Yan to have a well-thought-out plan .He say demit ,listening to Zhao Dun so ask ,immediately reported : Your Majesty but do not have the heart ,now the situation is not as you think .
This time is my army automatic retired military ,not defeat, not war ,and I the great song troops no loss ,although lost some states ,but those places but are later recovered ,and now Longxing palace is in ,google,and his reign when compared, we did not lose a place .
, relationresultZhao Dunface to some usual ,said: is so ,Facebook,but it is now the Golden Army ,to raise morale ,and my song to lose morale low ,necessarily ,this time the Jin army offensive Longxing palace ,but it is difficult to resist .
, relationresultYang Yandao: Your Majesty is assured ,Longxing palace line early to prepare, as strong as iron .There are millions of people ,but also difficult to overcome .Besides the Jiangnan area ,river and Lake Lane branching majority, unfavorable the Jin army ride to war, our army occupied geography .
So please your majesty may rest assured ,I dare assure ,never losing a .But gold attacked in great numbers Longxing palace ,its rear defense must empty ,we can according to the previously determined ,sending water from the Yangtze River ,sea ,two to take over Ling health ,just can serve to break the golden army .
, relationresultIn fact,there is a little Yang Yan did not say ,that this failure counts also said Zhang to bear the blame for Yang Yan ,and Yuan point, opposite Yang Yan to be the logical according to their own original planning act .
It seems things are unpredictable ,lost .This is a bad thing ,but now it seems ,to become a good thing .But this can not say to Zhao Dun and others .But Zhao Dun heard ,also at ease many ,said: your words ,make me worry .
Great song ZTE ,much to your support . , relationresultYang Yanmang,said: his family of three generations ,are subject to great song again ,dare not make all-out efforts ,as the country house .
But there is a hill in ,will never let people do what one wishes without restraint in Song china . , relationresultZhao Dunnodded ,said: if you have to resist Jinbing plan, Qing when discretion ,I no longer remote degree .
Secretary of state and go . , relationresultYang Yan andHan Yanzhi both kowtow ,said: micro farewell . , relationresultYang Yan andHan Yanzhi were out of the palace ,went to the palace ,and has an inner stay with two maid is waiting at the door ,see Yang Yan ,the eunuch immediately greeted, said: Yang consort please stay .
, relationresultYang Yandao: the father-in-law ,have what thing ? , relationresultThe eunuchlaughs: Yongan Princess specially ordered house ,waiting for prince ,please see the emperor Yang ,to the princess sight .
, relationresultHan Yanzhi listened,also can not help but smile, know that they are unmarried couples ,not seen in a long time .About taking advantage of this opportunity to see a meeting ,then to Yang Yandao : Zi Hao ,since it is the princess please you ,then you ,I have to leave now .
,cnn, relationresultIn fact,since Yang Yan left heaven palace ,and Zhao Yueru hasn met .The previous Zhao Yueru Longxing palace when, just he strict state troops in combat ,thus no see ,Zhao Yueru really miss .
But Yang Yan knows ,since this period of time, Zhao Yueru is desperate to own for the deal, was also very grateful, this time to heaven palace ,this also decided to find a time to meet her ,did not think of themselves as Zhao offered to please ,it seems that this fear is the princess could not help to oneself miss you . Related articles:

