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, The outside presses strong really too terrible, if isn't the wood green mountain strength in the body to keep certain balance, he has already thrown up blood but Wu.
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The words sound just fell, a personal shadow falsely the truth or falsity on the spot appeared in the room, this person living the shape is high big, but the skeleton is surprising small, bald-headed, Quan bone to both sides outstanding, but eyes are to deeply sank into, he stood on the public in front, suddenly an eye lo goes and was like the composition of dying the thing and the rise made a living a person.
Is long to be like although make people dare not sing praises, on inheritting green dress, brush off dust 1, look, pour natural and unrestrained threeses to take off a dust.
But is a person like this, unexpectedly let the leeways that the wood green mountain the slightest moves all have no.
Traverse a first sun rays in the morning not to dare to neglect, forward Ju one Gong, polite tunnel:"Xue Xian is long, you came."
This person is exactly legendary ground of fairy class person, Xue Long Dao long, if list talk about age, he has already been grandpa Zu who traverse the first sun rays in the morning, this fairy long, be subjected to of poised.
Xue Long swept wood green mountain one eye, cold humed 1, return overdo come to lo the time toward Ling Lin Feng, the but again becomes amiable manner, he has much of good will to the young man of this intelligent handsome Yi, to the different race that carries different dint but all have no good will.
"Once the old man move to read, 100 meters inside, be all covered with by my mentality.
Yi?This different race can with lend low etc. force to resist mine "read a dint jail", Hey!The old man is it happened that to want him to kneel down, I pour to and see, the knee of the ordinary people the bottom exactly can bear how much catty,dr dre cheap."
"Disease, green Long Li."
Chapter 163 ground fairy series
This Nie Long Lao Dao soars to the skies a , engrave in a sudden, the body of wood green mountain violently swayed, if the sweat breaks linear pearl, one connected a ground drop down, hit on the ground and changed into petal petal plum flower.
The knee is more and more soft, more and more curved, the lips of wood green mountain have been already bitten open and seem to take one on the back invisible of Tashan, very tired very tired, really want to sit down, but naturally obstinate make his eyes slowly blood-red to get up.
Wood green mountain wood green mountain!Kneels sky and ground, how may kneel a this cow nose old way?
That is standing on principles fresh and cool inside the body difference dint with to just to sun of fire dance saint light the spirit dashed forward a bullfight towards hurtling, strong breathing mutually, the body of wood green mountain beat to put son and simply and slowly stood, listens to whole body of the bone first time splits inside Pa of in disorder ring, keep if let off firecrackers, the wood green mountain this time stands of hardships, be imaginable.
Xue Long once that deep-set magic eyes sweep, knows for the inside and says with smile:"The young man is indeed as expected enough hard to annoy, by dint of the body is damaged, don't kneel down to me as well, much stronger than those of my one-time disciples, but old man today since come, you can not control unbridled?And see the means of old man."
Xue Long two paid withered finger to stretch out, is waiting to display a method, suddenly and after death the cool breeze blows, the heart reads a to move and inwardly smiled a to smile, indeed as expected, body a tight, on his body, irons prison ground Lei in arm prison's Ling Lin Feng's voice like get hurt of the wild beast sort roared:"Do not the wood green mountain die in Lao Tze's in front and also walk not and quickly?"
The mouth peristalsis that traverses a first sun rays in the morning finally sighed an one breath, the have nothing at all said.
There is no the control of this super Taoist priest, the huge dint on the wood green mountain body disappeared while ascending without a trace, the one mouthful blood immediately soared to the skies to spray out, fierce the light lifting a fire dance saint annoy inside the interest and fist a pair of boxings.It is treating to come forward to try very hard to.
"Walk quickly, even if I beg you, wood green mountain, the words remember me, don't come back forever, these people aren't our person of this worlds to can deal with."
Ling Lin Feng seems to is already to force the blood of whole body to in the face, is burning oneself ground life.
The wood green mountain is sad on smiling, the whole personalization does one regiment green smoke.Floated to go out from the window way.In out of the sky roar low a way:"The Feng is little, release him, you basically trap not to live him!Come out!Smelly Taoist priest, come out heel small Ye definitely a dead fight."
The body form of wood green mountain stands on the crest of the tree hat of three days big tree.The body form flaunts with the breeze, seeming to be at any times may fall off.A light moonlight spread down and covered with on his shoulder.On the body, the whole bodies all ascend the gold color of the Ang of one Meng.
"Wood green mountain, you are really …… silly ……"
That melon word Ling Lin Feng could not said it any further and broke out one regiment green Huang's ray of light on Xue Long's body, Ling Lin Feng ascended the dizzy dead is past.
The wood green mountain chases an inside ground the whole los get clear, is waiting to greatly drink, suddenly an old Hong brightly the voice spread to come up.
"Young man, you have what strength resist a ground of fairy class of elder generation?Still walk not and quickly?
Is presentable the young man now is lightly few, well stay a life, don't talk life and death, otherwise the uncle beat your palm."
"You ……are you a clear gatekeeper uncle?"
Is a lightly the figure,such as demon, appear in the wood green mountain nearby, witheredly the palm explores, the wood green mountain just wanted to move out of the way, how can anyone know once the arm of way the other party grew and have already held tight his ground arm, body absurdly a light, drive under a carrying of huge dint,Beats By Dre Diamond, the whole individual kept shooting like a hair shell fence outside, as if meteor laceration night sky.
Wood green mountain body not from F, fully flew several meters far, it is thus clear that the dint of this hurl have much big, the body form just stayed around a continuously approximate tree hat on, suddenly, three ashes received of the shadow of human figure rushes toward to come up, but listens to the Buddha sound heard, the Lang Lang is like song.
"The wood protects a method, Amitabha, you leave at once!This person isn't what we can can deal with, can procrastinate a burst of."
The four greatest golds knotted a Buddha to brighten just, can hold up a ground of fairy class person a short moment, this was already the wonderful war merit.
Under of four old monks divide a green dragon and the Vinaceous Rosefinch, woman without pubic hair and Xuan directions station of Wu Si Xiang to settle, each one Zhang, four huge dint cross treetop, holding the wood green mountain has been already descended to sink of body again Gao Fei but rise, the wood green mountain whole body effort, the body gets empty to basically have no half in the half of lend dint, these four huge dint fusion under, form strong transmission strength, Hao however great positive, descend a moment, the body form of the wood green mountain again turns to do to fly Xu, have no with depend on fly to shoot but.
In out of the sky of wood green mountain already the hot tears Be long to flow, oneself originally isn't a Gu body is one person, this world still has so many people and records their he or shes, body move of the speed is the quickest, wink of have already flown more than 100 rices, can the garden area is more strange, the wood green mountain flies and shoots of the direction at the right moment is a plant courtyard, all and stay and maneuver everywhere, ascension of power change to inclination, while willing bump one stub big tree, the palm of wood green mountain on pressing, immediately station at treetop on.
"I this walks, probably can succeed in escaping the evil claw of that cow nose Taoist priest, but four masters of little room mountain give up with clear uncle to save life me and angried that Taoist priest, several people is certain to die."
The idea of wood green mountain is certain, the chest in vain livings a courage, once the body form turn and rushed toward back from the original road again.
Just arriving can the outside of the hospital, but see come from positive wreath of four monk of high renowns of little room mountains to sit ground up, one person's one Zhang connects one to bombard toward the sky at present and roars and shouts of the Zhang dint,such as similar shell, dashes forward Gao Kong, but more than 50 rices high the place in the top of head, the that cow nose old way foot steps a lance, the whole individual sends forth only to just appear in fantasyland of blue ray of light, the top of head black spirit rises Teng.
The wood green mountain could not help pouring to absorb one mouthful cool spirit, strong, really strong, this is only nearby knotting a too very the pattern match four golds that the old monk life Jings fix just Zhang dint just however is too very the diagram pressed tinily inside sink at 1:00 just, but that Taoist priest like had to have scruples about, don't lift a hand to countercharge.
"The little wood's little monks, I with your having no of Fan sound temple wild master also calculate have a little friendship, don't think these small generation turns over a face and also walks not and quickly with you, otherwise don't I I the old way is getting more heartless."
These four old monks seem what all out of hearing, the Zhang hitting is more fierce and stronger, usually a Zhang claps, the sky rings out unclear muffled thunder, the Rao is such, but four old monks the least bit last breeze don't have, continuously be sprunged a dint earthquake body Related articles:

