
cheap beats by dre difficult of swallow

Drive next curse of person, but decision not his thought, like yellow dragon at the beginning if order Huang should kill Su square, Huang should be able to decide not to kill, Huang Long deploys of that curses just one coerce a function, canning pass to curse to let Huang should beg to living to beg to die not ability, but if Huang should refuse an order to choose a suicide, the yellow dragon also has no way.
But connect heart's forbiding make but Be getting more different, that is directly permeate mind of forbid to make, mind body connect is integral whole, pure far if orderany Huang Long Zuo what, there will be a kind of the felling that should does that affair by himself/herself in Huang Long Xin, very strong, permit not get he resist, demand far a pure mind then, even if Huang Long tries to commit suicide can not decide, want ~only that mind together, pure far ability with borrow connect the heart forbid make moment vanish his mind!
Listen to Su a square to pure far explanation connect the heart forbid to make of function, pure far, is go to Huang all living a terrible felling in response to the Huang Long San people, in the heart also to Su square more 1 F awe, but Huang Long is that the one ash in heart is dark, gave a deep sigh a , immediately and silently get up, the facial expression one is gloomy.
Su square but is to lightly see Huang Long Yi's eye, one silk is obvious, "if it had been known that, why the need for and at the beginning ……"
Immediately after, once the Su's square's hand lift, the several true dollar projects from the finger tip and stab the acupuncture points is toward Huang Long Ji and start deploying of inhibitted forbiding of his capability to make to also then disappear, but Huang Long in a twinkling resumed capability, originally shoulded be happy of he, but is still a bitter face.
Finished doing these,Beats by Dre Electroplating, Su square and pure far, Huang Long, Huang in response to 3 people secret room, title took a look a sky, smiled to smile, toward pure far should say with Huang:
"Like, these I have already made for you, should say to also all say, I should also return to!"
Seeing pure far should mean to say with Huang what, the Su square put to put a hand way:
"Go without saying what, I after all have already promised to do the elder that your Qing Lake believes in, and still promise dollar mountain, he once getting into gold Dan to expect behind, I accept him as Tu, lead a day I also come over of, I walk, good-bye!"
Finish saying, Su square one gives a long whistle, the body form in a twinkling pulls out, the foot is one Shan, the sword of Xuan Wei is steady to steadily stop at foot, whole personal moment fly, a fierce long grass in a very short moment once rowed from the horizon!
See continuously diminish to that a dark shadow, Huang should miss just- said words of Su square, in the heart suddenly a surprised, the favour asks a way:
"Is pure ……E, Zhang door, Su's elder does he say that he wants to accept a dollar mountain as Tu?"
"H'm!"Is pure to far and lightly return, eyes but Chou wear horizon.
Huang should be difficult of swallowing and swallowing saliva, , and then ask a way:
"BE fall dollar mountain in the Zhang door that cloud believes in?"
"H'm!"Is pure far still keep being a word.
"The dollar mountain expects after getting into the gold Dan, Su's elder is willing to accept Tu, that ……that Su's elder fix for have much high?"
Huang should of have already started arousing to move in the heart.
Hear the tone that Huang should continuously raise, pure far this just becomes overdo, the time of the Leng Leng way:
"Su's elder expects after being also a gold Dan!"
If the dollar mountain be contused that day by the Su square, pure far although Be getting more collapsed and fainted, didn't hear a dollar mountain see pure Su square fix through that circular jade for, after his younger brother Shi also told him, so he is to know the square reality of Su fixs for.
"That he ……" Huang should be stunned speechless a while, but heart in have already lifted the Su square to a new height, the gold Dan expects behind of the person accept Tu and unexpectedly want to accept to fix for and oneself equal person, this ……this is also too crary.
And pure far have no this kind of felling, in his eyes, even if is a gold Dan after expect to fix to be true, also isn't Su square enemy, leave Qing Lake to believe in to fall cloud to believe in recently, two partieses are recent, so is pure far to understand of the dollar mountain also most, he knows if dollar mountain try very hard to, even if gold Dan after expect to also can not hold him, but the dollar the mountain has no to hang to read of at Su square the under charge walk however on recruiting, what did this represent?
Is violent, absolutely violent!
Fixing of homology for, Su square can absolutely kill!
Although the gold Dan expects behind, only afraid attackstone dint ability enemy dollar old eccentric with early baby!
Is pure far is just thinking worry, but see a heel oneself to stand in front of Huang should stare at ownly and after death, strange way:
"He ……how come back again?"
Hearing Huang should of words, in the pure far heart a surprised, , the favour becomes overdo to go to, a dark shadow is in the in front flash across and in a twinkling stop and frighten pure far favour backward one Shan, it is Su to see pure square after again just stop, equally strange way:
"Su's elder ……you ……how did you come back again?"
The Su square flies back really again, sees Su now an embarrassed color, Nao Nao head, asking of Shan Shan way:
"That ……that ……return to land how walk?"
Being pure is far and Huang replied to see one eye, upsurge a mind at the same time in the heart, "originally he is a road Chi!"
Just 2 people were still in mind what square respected adore was in a great mess, particularly was Huang to Su should, see a Su square, this appearance now, also really feel rare, not from saw Su more square two eyeses, ask for Su square a burst of turn over cold stare, the facial expression of 17-year-old kid, to, Su is just 17 years old!
However this matter pours to also can not blame Su a square, he the original sense of direction isn't so good, the root cans not find a direction on the boundless ocean, because his work properly to know now can overaly 100 many inside square circle, haven't approached land to is extreme limit.
The one more woulds be a Su square since the childhood, in addition to more than four years ago together uncle Heng's niece 2 people coerced a capital city, in the outside, four years other time basically have no over what far door, the nothing important experiences and got lost is also a very normal affair.
Is pure far and Huang should all peep out a peculiar facial expression and pointed the same direction.
See 2 people, this shape, Su square not from smiled to smile, clapped the shoulder of clapping 2 people, flew a Xuan Wei sword, the body form is one Zong,cheap beats by dre, step on to fly sword, then the facing distance flies to, at this time, the air spread Su the square be blown by the breeze the voice of aery not certain:
"Empress ……meeting ……have ……expect!"

Volume 2 breaks any chapter 157 to block road
Renew time:2009-11-1713:48:21 chapter word numbers:2761

Fly on the boundless ocean on, enjoy because of against the wind and bring repeatedly blowing of sea breeze, Su square not from pleasingly shut last eyes.
Fix a true, pass through a moment that the sky robs, meat body get the to build up of the biggest degree, but also stand in no fear of at the same time cold hot, this just make the Su square not and clearly have already got into winter now, already winter months end, would was La for month next month, Su square not from thought of several year agos go home from the capital city of the act is also a La month, oneself wants to go home to celebrate the New Year,does not miss grandpa Hai at the die at cat demon of under charge.
Thought of Su's sea, Su square not from again recall have his likeness of the deceased to smile a looks, thought of he to own guidance, to own kindly, he is complete to consider as Su squares a grandson!
Was gloomy very long, Su square again just in mind firmness of say:
"Grandpa Hai, you stop worrying, the little square has already grown up, I also have the ability of self-preservation, the other people could not humiliated me any further, Su's house hereafter will also lead betterly!"
Thought of here, Su square's disposition adds more of determine.
Green jade wave sea surface in East China Sea for fluttering, in the twilight of setting sun Sa the one is golden, over there diffused gold on, a fishing boat just in the middle of accepting a net, already in the afternoon, they want to rush through to be black on sky ex- accept a net to go home, thought of steaming hot meal in the home, 2 people on board feel the belly is more hungry, not from speed speed.
The together black long grass is namely fast of once rowed from the sky on board, one person on board was stretching a lazy waist,beats by dre cheap, faced upward toward the sky, the black long grass that in a twinkling once rows frightens he shook a to shake, almost slanting entered sea.
"Wang Er's pock-markses, you seek dead, don't accept a net at once, also on a ship the beard shake to sway indiscriminately of, ship original not big, if you give°ed the fish to shake to run, I want you good-looking!"
Moreover an old man towards this king's two pock-marks Nus to drink a way.
"Not to, the Wei is old three, two Related articles:

