
cnn em awake also all ov

"Float an elder brother, you want to know from her what?"
"I feel this boss's wife put poison in to us and seem to be together we go to song happy mountain that mysterious country villa contain some connections."
"Only wish I thought to be wrong!This is just the black store of general river lake, but how do I see also be different from."
"How to be different from?"
"The black store of general river lake, not outside is kill for money!But we two children body up, have what wealth and properties?Be even the knapsack also has no a , two hands are all empty, only several two silvers is just on the body.Say again, they the fan poured us, didn't search wealth and properties on us as well and looked for what worth money thing.Just cast away we here even if, also say that the tonight takes us to a place mile."
"Can't be that they see someone in the distance, too late search our body up have wealth and properties?"
"Four younger sisters, you don't be too naive and have wealth and properties on our body, the person of black store know on seeing and have no call to search, unless, unless ……"
"Unless what's the matter?"
"Unless be our pig to be killing of sheep, went fetch to be person's meat dumplings or noodle with meat-bean sauce to sell."
"You don't frighten me and really have a so terrible black store?"
"Have is have.But I have never met with, but meet with this time!"
"Float an elder brother, we don't pretend poisoned!We break a door to go out now and grasped they interrogate, then hand over to the Cen the person who catches head or white Long Hui they.Want to be not, killed them, ruined this black store."
"But I was poisoned!"
"You aren't to say, are you all right?"
"Four younger sisters don't make a noise and pretend quickly poisoned lie down, outside someone dynasty we came."
40th times disaster decline from the sky
Text 40th times disaster decline from the sky
Last time make reference to outside someone came, the small monster then makes the Wan son lie down to pretend to be poisoned.Wan Er says:"You have to pack and then pack to go, I just don't pretend poisoned mile of.I not think a quilt regard as pig sheep kill.They come at the right moment!"
The small monster urgently must spring up all of a sudden, the poison in the body, dissolved all of a sudden, say:"My little ancestor grandmother, do you listen to my words not very good?"
"Three elder sisters once said and tracked the affair of the cuckoo,cnn, I listenned to yours, other of, you must listen to mine."
"Do you O.K. have fun in this way?"
"Is the affectation poisoned to have fun so much,google?"
"Good!Good!My little ancestor grandmother, I beg you not very good!Otherwise, cuckoo or blue and evil matter, how could we not check either!"
"This and does the cuckoo, blue and evil matter pull up?"
"I just calculate and pull not pull up I also not know."
"That do we still pack poisoned stem?"
"Younger sister don't say first.Outside the step have been near, we still pretend first poisoned dizzy fan again say."
At this time, the step of outside really walked up.The Wan son sees the small monster say so and also have to pretend poisoned lie down.Have soon wood pillar the window way of the railing up peeped out a person of the face is exactly an among those of hemp mourning garment man, he saw a short while saying:"I don't understand to spend elder sister why make them butcher building to kill to the underground?"
Outside another man says:"Who know to spend elder sister to beat what idea, perhaps spend elder sister to have a liking for this little girl, loathed to give up to kill them!"
"Is quite good!This little girl son grows quite good, sell a brothel brothel, lead for 23 years, would be a beauty who lives to take off, unlike is her sheep kill, sell higher price?"
"No wonder that spend elder sister to say to wait until an evening, just send them to set out."Say, two men walked.
Once two men walk, the Wan son jumped:"Need not asked, this really was a black store, pulled with cuckoo, blue and evil matter not up any relation."
The small monster also baffled, is this really a common black store?Have no with that mysterious country villa to the least bit relate to?Just person's meat be beef, mutton sell?
The Wan son asks:"You still intend to pretend when?"
"I still want and see."
"You still want to see!You can't wait until black for a sky, let them send to we where just begin?"
"I really want to see them to send us to arrive where."
"Good ah!That you wait they to send you what underground Tu Fang Dang's sheep kill.I don't think that they send me to go to what brothel brothel.Your love sees you see go, I can begin."
"Younger sister, waits they to come to begin again not late, be why the need for eager to going out now?"
"You aren't a toxicity haven't completely dissolved?"
"The solution was to dissolve.I still want to lie more a short while here, these grass buildings lie pretty comfortable."
"I really don't know you is how think, in this time, you still play trick, 1:00 also falsely through."
"I this is very serious of ah!"
They are two to whisper in the building in the firewood grass, outside that guest also walked, the sky was also slowly black to come down, boss's wife flower elder sister call the waiters close to close the door, oneself carried lamp and took those two hemp mourning garment men,Facebook, see a pass small monster in the building easy to get along with son at the firewood grass, see easy to get along with son of small monster to wake up have no.She doesn't take precautions against at all, even if two little child's sons in the firewood building wake up, will also all over have no dint, because she descends of the poison isn't the fan of general river lake*soul*medicine, in addition to making people dizzy to be fond of, also make people whole body have no dint, doing not say can't struggle, even if is loudly yell also can not do it.Want to be not, she early orderanied a person to tie~up the hand and foot of small monster easy to get along with son.
Spend elder sister to arrive at firewood building, open a lock, life two under charge the advanced firewood building see two child's sons to wake up to have no, if haven't waked up, first sprinkle to come to them with cold water.A hemp mourning garment man lifts feet first to go in, don't know that the Ban wore what, "Gu Dong" was a , turned over all of a sudden to pour.
Another hemp mourning garment man is one Zheng, ask:"Is old five, are you what's the matter?"Say, he also lift feet to across to come in, equally is also that"Gu Dong" is a to then turn over to pour, lay on the ground to can not get up from lying position.
This spends elder sister more for a while consternation, if say that the first waiter went in to turn over to pour, that is carelessly, or tripped over for the thing like the firewood grass, rope, the matter belongs to fortuity, but the second waiter goes in also give turned over to pour, the affair is getting more suspicious.Can't be two little child's sons to men and women to wake up, establish what stumbling block the lane poured two waiters?
Spend elder sister to think Yi in the heart, put lantern by the side of the door up, lend light go toward firewood building once the inside see, not from get a shock, the little child of two inside poisons is missing!And those two waiters be like medium evil, lie on the ground, can not move to can not make a noise, either.
Spend elder sister, this surprised no trivial matter, these were two little children awake to come over and escape?This is impossible, them awake also all over have no dint, will can escape?Besides the fanlight lock still keeps locking,these two little children drilled into firewood grass to hide in heap, do that oneself's two waiters turn over to pour and is what happened?Did Wu Lin Zhong's superior make moves to save them?
Spend elder sister to quickly jump to open in order to prevent is surprised, concentrate to control breath to defend a body, but in firewood building have no any action, is a firewood building on all sides also have no any action, she low voice drink a way:"What person at in, is rolled out for old Niang!"
Drink a voice later on, the firewood building inside didn't respond and also had no action on all sides.Spent elder sister to think Yi more, gingerly walk up firewood door go toward in look about, this for a while, and then call her silly eye, two little children to men and women clearly disappear, at this time but the lie-down was on the firewood grass!Just was oneself dimmed eyesight and fluster, have never seen pure they?Is oneself frightenning himself/herself?Two little children still at, spend elder sister to just a little trust.But these two little children are obviously to wake up, eyes at roll over is conjecturing themselveses, the look in the eyes has no frightened of color, on the contrary smile don't smile.Spend elder sister to repeatedly descend to conjecture for a while, ask:"Are you two to still lie here?"
The small monster says:"BE ah!How did I lie here?We not is eat Related articles:

