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, and the emperor also seems to be agreed ,so he didn oppose ,but unanimously .relationresultZhao Chen thenimmediately decreed ,Jianghuai line command each song immediately withdraw its troops .
Leaving only life ,Ying ,Tang Cai ,four states ,where the rest of a rate to give up .And then immediately ordered Li Xianzhong and the Yang Yan two people ,immediately make a perfect counter-insurgency plan .
relationresultEighty Aftermath ( below) , relationresultYang YanheLi Xianzhong retreated to the side hall ,to discuss the step Ping Department of .Treatment of aggression is a pause ,subjects returned to participate in rebellion against the official standard and scope .
relationresultThisweek sunflower out ,said: Your Majesty ,those involved in the rebellion official nature of the punishment on those who practice in accordance with the law ,not involved in the rebellion ,but was forced to pay homage to Deng King officials also sire more mercy ,should be investigated .
, relationresultYe Yong alsosaid: the official is not really made Deng king ,but was forced by the situation ,just not to courteously but without sincerity ,but also as excusable ,also hope the HM tolerance .
, relationresultZhao Chen listened,slightly after .Chen Junqing listened, feel uncomfortable ,said: since the official, as loyal to the country ,when necessary, since when the die to achieve virtue ,not succumb to the rebellion ,otherwise the court to such officials also have what use ?If it is not to be punished , said after another insurrection rebellion ,whom is willing to provide the best .
, relationresultThis rebellioninvolving many officials ,including Shi Miyuan party ,basic is involved in the rebellion after ,their punishment is no doubt ,just a sentence size problem .
But during the rebellion ,Shi Miyuan had forced the minister to ceremony of minister visited Zhao Hong ,although Chen Junqing ,leaf ,flower Yong week minority officials answer no, but the vast majority of officials or under at that time ,Zhao Hong Shi Miyuan et al forces ,to minister Li visited Zhao Hong ,a total of ninety-one people .
relationresultNow theinsurgency subsided, who participated in the experience of the minister will be always on tenterhooks ,although they did not participate in the rebellion ,but after all, visited Zhao Hong ,charges may be large or small ,the emperor of a sentence, it is tried to be activity .
Among them there are a lot of people and leaf Yong ,Zhou sunflower privately with ,and also have asked two people ,as in front of the emperor for himself .In fact, this group of people ,there is a lot of Chen Junqing disciples and old followers or minor officials ,but Chen Junqing is known to be just and stern ,do not rub the slightest sand people ,no one dares to look for him .
relationresultAlthough Zhao Chen isyoung ,but also know that the human accidents, as Chen Junqing says ,the necessary time to die to achieve virtue ,who is still a few .Most of the people in this when I do the knowledge service jj .
But if the officials were all treated the crime,Facebook, but he will replace most of the officials ,is not conducive to the stability in the bureau .But if it is put ,Zhao Chen also some do ,as Chen Junqing said ,if they do not punish ,later another rebellion ,who also hell-bent for the court to try .
relationresultThen Han Yanzhiout ,said: sire, in his opinion, visited Deng King officials are feeling would be ,but also should give punishment, or not enough to just so ,cnn,but the punishment should not be overweight ,because they are not really participated in the rebellion .
Not only that ,those indomitable rebel force has refused to pay homage to the king ,Deng should be given incentives to significantly ,the rewards and punishments, his Majesty the wise decision .
, relationresultZhao Chen wassatisfied with the little head ,said: Han Qingzhi theory, and even I have the heart .The club body how to reward and punishment ? , relationresultHan Yanstraight : pay homage to King Tang officials rate officer or order ,and visited Deng King officials all falls two order ,both in three months ,and then view the aftereffect .
, relationresultZhao Chenpaused for a moment ,before: the Secretary of state that Han Qing ? , relationresultZhou Kui and leafYong said : think that Korean Xiangzhi is feasible . , relationresultChen Junqing hesitated,also said: I also thought possible .
, relationresultIn fact,Han Yanzhi that punishment is not very heavy ,big song officials always heavy duty not order ,so although rank down two order ,as long as the position unchanged ,the official does not have a significant impact ,if the old honest years ,rank or step by step and then promoted to .
As for the penalty was more than anything ,because the song besides official was very rich ,there are many subsidies ,and officials are savings or land ,so even if there is no additional income ,not on their lives have little effect .
relationresultTheZhao Chen is also naturally know ,but at present is to stabilize overall situation to punish the officials ,the destination ,just give them a warning ,no speculation, so punishment can only point to stop .
Never put it over ninety one breath officials for it, that ,without a few months ,the court could not return to normal .But Zhao Chen did not believe in Zhao Hong and Shi Miyuan ,the failure of the rebellion ,the short term there are people dare to rebellion .
relationresultZhao Chen thereforenodded ,said: just as Han Qing sonata .But this was limited to those not involved in the insurgency officials participated in the rebellion ,the officials must be checked ,must not miss a person ,by the three division on crime ,then give me preview .
, relationresultHan Yanzhiwere busy Chorus : respect the purpose such as . , relationresultWhen Li Xianzhongand Yang Yan after some research ,also make a withdrawal as well as two X layout :relationresultXiangyangRoyal garrison command military garrison when Jun back to Xiangyang ,Ande temporary part-time Royal garrison command, and collect army at Xinyang army ,stopped Li Quan West road .
Kwangju Royal garrison command back to the military troops stationed in Liu Fuwu ,Cai ,Ann Fengjun ,barred Li Quanjun north ,east route ,Haozhou Royal garrison command Zhang Shiyan temporary keep men and of the .
Huaixi MA BI Infantry Division main rate before and after the armed forces stationed in back of loess ,in case Li Quanjun south into the Dabie Mountain area .Thus ,to Li Quanjun formed four encirclement .
The four army by Bi control .relationresultIn anotherway ,the Royal Xuyi Army garrison command Guo Zhenhe Chuzhou Royal garrison command Li Gongzuo back to the military garrison ,composed of Huai East Ma infantry division director Cao Xun rate about armies ,and from Chuzhou dispatch a navy, in the Taihu area, Zheng Chao where rebel faction .
relationresultThenfrom the Ling Xiang led five thousand troops ,immediately rushed to the Ling in conjunction with the prefect of Ling ,check the Deng palace ,Zhao Hong in Ling searched the rest of the staff ,solution to build health to crimes .
Although now Jiankang only 30000 troops stationed ,but with Li Xianzhong ,Yang Yan in Jiankang in charge, should not be a big problem, at the same time can start from the surrounding area assemble some Malay increased strength .
relationresultButafter a few days, several other teams played a three Imperial troops in Yamen ::former Secretary ,after the military and horse army division ,together with the Weiyuan military flying riding in front of the supreme privy to Wang Yan ,all withdrawn health office stationed .
relationresultHan Yanzhi,Zhou sunflower ,leaf Yong ,Chen Junqing et al .This plan, but also that arrangements very carefully ,there is no objection .Zhao Chen then immediately decreed ,on troop movements .
relationresult�� ���Song Xiang to support the original �� �� ��relationresultAfterZhao Chen returned to scattered towards ,harem ,go directly to the Queen ,had entered ,he saw the queen led Xie Fei Yue Ying ,Han Fei ,as well as a team of Deng has from the palace greeted Chamberlain out .
relationresultSeeZhao Chen Yue Ying ,to salute ,Zhao Chen quickly seized her ,said: I am not told you ?The queen is pregnant ,google,the body is inconvenient ,the formalities are free, how come today . Related articles:

