
Beats by Dr Dre solo The list leg kneels

Is empty have never thought, he the person who think how to can let that himself/herself and oneself are nearby is more safe, even if is now outside still have three blamed black evil clans is waiting him, sooner or later one day he wants to make track for the black evil clan kill, not let them to come to seek his on their own initiative.
The Xiao Yu is empty for get the wealth of this accident dark pleasedly at the same time, the complexion town certainly says, "old Sir, be used as a have no life body, change into one to contain life body, this is a miracle, but you a clan attained this, and still left a huge spirit wealth, since I took your things, I isn't white to take, you since would not like to go out, I can help you or you a clan complete one don't of wish,Beats by Dr Dre solo, whether I can attain or not, I will do utmost!"

The text chapter 265 repeat of history
Renew time:2008-8-2414:00:59 chapter word numbers:4681

Almost thinks to all don't think, direct way, "exterminate'net in the sky'."
"Although I don't know that you say of'net in the sky'where exactly, after waiting I to go out I will definitely make an effort to look for!"The Xiao Yu is very empty affirmative of say.
"'Net in the sky'he meeting he appear!Need not seek!"The old lightly says, a short moment, a pair of eyes with muddy Hun stare at distance to continue to say, " has never thought I can complete my mission so quickly and also need to complete the last affair, she soon come!Is two if doing not rush through is horary and wait a short while to walk again is not late either!"
Who is she again?The Di Si dream Nuo inwardly asks a way.
However the very quick Di Si dream Nuo question within heart was untied by an old woman that drives peculiar aircraft.
A head of drags along the long long grey hair of ground, the full face knife engraves general crease and have already canned hardly make you imagine is exactly a when she is young what shape, a pair of withered bones hands seem to be a bit ferocious, only her that blue but some eyes with muddy Hun inside still unclearly deeply 1 kind lose for a long time noble qualities.
"Old woman, I have already completed three of your wisheses, you can marry me now!"The old language is astonishing.
Stand the Xiao Yu of one side is empty and the Di Si dream Nuo face up is all one Zheng, the Yu of the Xiao gets empty later on of face up present on putting on light smiling face, he already completely understand.
Look a year to lead 100-year-old old woman, be familiar with of drive aircraft steady fall in, stand down aircraft, took a look Xiao Yu empty with the Di Si dream Nuo, and then took a look originally should stand erect the place of big inscription is naturally all empty at the moment, slowly walk to the old front of.Stretch out a withered hand, way, "the ring go fetch!"
Immediately present a smiling face of kid's sort on the old ground face, taking out several as early as thousand year agoses has already readied to of ring.The list leg kneels ground happy of take at old woman ground hand up.
"2.You will be me and she the day ground of the newly married great luck witness person, thank you to have no to late come to several years again!"The old sincerity says.
The Xiao Yu is somehow or other empty.The in the mind flows out a kind of touched, several ten thousand years, ground time acrosses a degree.Awakening electronics life the ground that they pursue is the life of real integrity, this a moment has already got into to them vital of clean soil, become tallest still the cleanest and pure life body.
At this time always the face of noodles expressionless old woman up also peep out just some little smiling face, the old warm and affectionate Wan lives the hand of old companion and says to the empty Xiao Yu, "I wait this day and waited too longly, however everythings are all worth.I want to use my life an end ground several years and old companion enjoy a vital happiness!Young man, we should have no opportunity to met again and wished your good luck!"
When the old finishes saying of, he with his old companion drive a burst of mightiness of white only the package live, immediately after the distance slowly flies to a small scaled cosmos warship, white only is sent out by this cosmos warship, the white only inhales they lightly cosmos warship, Pa of a , the cosmos warship disappeared without basis.
The process disappeared in the cosmos warship in have never appeared any space warp phenomenon, was like a pole the moment ambulation of wood soup.This exactly comes to an a kind of what kind of science and technology level, the Xiao Yu is empty can not imagine with the Di Si dream Nuo.
After cosmos warship disappears several minutes, the whole city rang out irritating to the early an alert voice, immediately after the ground starts appearing a violent rock and continuously has rock to downwards drop.
This district will landslide, the Xiao Yu is again empty to immediately be mentioned apogee with the emotion that the Di Si dream Nuo just was slacken down, allows of no to think more, 2 people try very hard to ran toward overhanging cliff.
Scope and strength for landslide are still more and more big, spread some explosion voices unclearly, the Di Si dream Nuo through in a couple of days of convalescent care already compare inchoate time like many, but still keep seeming to be and lacking the ability to do while facing this great scope disaster, the obstinate personality lets she be not ask for help Xiao Yu empty, the latter is cool on smiling, directly start to embrace Jiao Qu and rush at the overhanging cliff of a ground of cave forest.
Is basic the Xiao Yu having already completely resumed is empty even if start to embrace the Di Si dream Nuo remain the arrows tread if fly, the overhanging cliff of more than 100 rices climbs equally and nowise take a lot of doing, on the whole is at end a moment take the Di Si dream Nuo into safe district.
Speaking of to is an overhanging cliff is in fact a huge overhanging cliff entrance to cave, below then that metal city, but this exists not to know at the moment how long the underground city of years have already been pressed at rock under, the whole ground cave basin is buried, everything will become past and history.
But the Xiao Yu is empty with the last witness personses whom the Di Si dream Nuo becomes this history.
The way home is boundless, the Xiao Yu is empty to pour also not hasty, disappear for more than 10 days, again disappear more a short while also have no how much difference, the most important of still keep keeping first the condition of the injury of Di Si dream Nuo first.
2 people even sometimes don't walk faster but took a rest to walked again for 23 days at first in the middle of the cave forest in the ground, the Xiao Yu was very diligently empty to all look after the Di Si dream Nuo, ate well to drink not to say so much, still helped her the massage for carrying on acupuncture points every day every day.
On this day, they stopped over longer than four days at first, this is that they stopped over the longest of once.
Lookinging at the Xiao Yu of paying attention to the food is empty, the in the mind of the Di Si dream Nuo always presents a kind of very strange felling, ever is so looked forward to power and influence and rich and honored of she, at the moment suddenly to in the moment and very the abjection live life of refugee very much of the life is unexpectedly some orientations, the sleeping sleeps all nice-smelling sweetly every day, and this kind of feels that she hadn't once felt for more than ten years.
At first for stay around don't walk for several days, the Di Si dream Nuo also had no the slightest of tedium, but whenever the Xiao Yu was empty to pass to cook good food, her in the mind's always hasing thing will flow out out, very thin light but very realistic.
Once ate after meal, took a rest a short while, the Xiao Yu was empty general like the routine business, walk to the Di Si dream Nuo front of start carrying on acupuncture points massage.
The lo wears Xiao Yu empty of hard and vigorously, the Di Si dream Nuo very doubt be fond of Mang very much, always no one thus pay to lead for her, even if have also for getting some, therefore the Di Si dream Nuo has never thought that this in this world will don't need paying of any repay unilaterally.
The Xiao Yu is hollow to have no miscellaneous read of massage each acupuncture points, one hopes that this future big Yi son can hurry to like, first, deal with three black evil clans of outside together with oneself, second, make her very some to own impression, is all one family sooner or later, each other always standing opposite is troublesome matter feeling that let a person very much.
Stare at elaboration cures for oneself of the Xiao Yu is empty, the Di Si dream Nuo cannot helps but heart any further that the strange felling is almost a subconscious ground to take off to ask a way."You why so good to me?If isn't that you run quickly, and then meet to bother a matter so more, very may I had already killed you!"
The Xiao Yu is empty the water cup pickeding up a flank drank a , take a to put on to derisively say on the face."The young lady of the commander-in-chief.You are really very strong, however you are to can not kill mine!"
The Di Si dream Nuo obviously can not comprehend that the Xiao Yu gets empty this sentence ground real meaning.The purple Mou is radiant and extremely keen but is full of Yi
The Xiao Yu is empty to just smile to smile, continued to help the Di Si the dream Nuo to massage acupuncture points.But the latter ground vision always stares at him, the Xiao Yu is empty to stop to start top of live Related articles:

