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People still fast unison near ,blocking the road in the individual zombie is bumped to fly ,was broken off .In the imperial soldiers marched to a certain distance ,Laersi roared : arrow nearly a hundred orcs have raised had changed in the hands of the long crossbow ,twang into a ring ,arrows painted with arc on coalition scattered formation ,blood flower bloom .
Wailing everywhere .relationresultProbablyOrc attack provoked the enemy morale ,contingents scattered formation gradually stabilized .Residual down the master began to practice counterattack ,sporadic low-level spells and fire arrows in succession to orc .
relationresultFor Laersi shield is a sound way ,with the command ,the orcs have replaced the crossbow for the shield, individual does not shield the soldiers were left with shield cover comrades .
If the words from above ;the orc formation is a fast moving ,the shield is formed of armored beast .Allied attacks have hit the undead in the shield .Although their sound but does not affect the BOT their advance speed , relationresult.
relationresultThe seventeen chapter the enemy , relationresultIn themilitary was bordering on time ,the orcs have rows of shields abrupt departure ,several orcs from separate shield throw Baoyan reel .
Immediately after the shield to fold neatly ,regression .relationresultButthrowing out Baoyan reel ,and did not play its due effect .Because :already burst open reel was suddenly a translucent fine rhombic crystal package ,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com,and then as the crystal of high frequency vibration scroll flame emitted from the actually followed shaking ,finally vanished into thin air .
relationresultMost of theemperor * * people were shocked by this scene ,be benefited in every way Baoyan reel has just disappeared .They are wondering what is going on ?relationresultOnly a few of theorcs know among them secret ,BOT is one of them :the reel out of action is a kind of divine ;dispel .
This is holy priest signboards skills ,originally only low order of God ,cheap beats by dre,is mainly used to remove curse or adverse effect .But the god technique has a great feature is not the bottom line ,as long as the talent ,strive to achieve enough .
Dispel can dispel any thing ,the strength of excellent pastor even can use dispel dispel spirit .Of course, the strength of the priest very rare .relationresultBOTface now is certainly not the strength of the holy priest ,but can use dispel dispel elements .
This strength is also worthy of respect .Think of these BOT heart as a surge of excitement :I finally can see the holy master demeanor .relationresultWarriors whohave completely close to enemy melee ,the inevitable happened .
relationresultIn theBOT just punched broken an enemy head, a roar across the .Following the sound can be seen ,a fairy walking at the foot of the green and yellow magic ,he is turning .
He was the extreme expansion ,height instantly exceeded general orc .Muscular grave ,face has become a huge bear face .The Druid ,BOT heart be startled at .But in order ,transfer the proficiency in morph and melee feral druid .
relationresultNo wonderBOT surprised :Druids are Forest Elves unique sect ,becoming a Druid is almost every fairy dreams .Unfortunately this occupation on the talent requirements .So even the elf communities to see a Druid is very difficult .
Alone in Kansas on the battlefield, but bot soon found another one more surprise ,that is the transfiguration Bear Druid was still wearing armor ,he is not only a ring full size .
Body armor is not earned broken is good how can also fit sleeve on the body .relationresultTransfiguringDruid is wearing armor before ,but now it should be called chainmail armor ,suddenly an idea from the BOT mind :it is folding armor .
relationresultThink ofhere ,BOT no hesitation ;a strike death has been pestering his swordsman .Fit into the druid .Yet, BOT ,a holy priest in four paladin armor protection to bear side ,mouth silent words .
A moment later ,as the priest spell the end of singing ,giant bear suddenly boom with gold ,the gold only flashes for a while ,then concentrated into a mist shape of golden light group ,closely around the bear .
relationresultGolden Armorbears a roar ,big body catch a few steps before it ,an orc warrior shoot fly .Then he will not go, where the priest fighting around ,and the name just blessing bear priest he drank a bottle of mana potions ,and began to sing .
relationresultNo entangled residence .First kill the priest . While Lals escaped the sword dancer to swing while assigned to the combat command .relationresultAtime of several excellent warriors attacked by giant bears to blonde .
relationresultThe first on theground is bot .He axed in giant bear before the file to on the left arm .The axe and armor emits a loud .Bear fat to refer to the right palm .The BOT with great glove left hand block .
In the great bear special forces surprised bo .His Bahai the burning flame double axe has been split into its back . split rings .Double axe split the armor in the enemy and left a small wound .
relationresultScream giant bear pain turned a ranked than bow on .Students transferring out several meters .Tomahawk help to stand steadily on his Bahai move really angry sound of mantra meditation and out .
Then he saw the boots were suddenly lit orange flame .The two holding fire very momentum .Straight shank than HA also covered . .Have a death wish spit out the mouth of a oozing of blood .
His Bahai roar toward bear .relationresultAlmost immediately afterhis Bahai initiating combustion operation at the same time .Bot that heat is coming .Body armor has become hot in Shangdi .
It seems the whole people soak in hot water in general .relationresultBlessingthe demon skin to BOT like this .If the bear and the surrounding soldiers .Giant bear Shangdi gold seems to be able to resist a part of heat .
But it is exposed in the mail ;bear face Shangdi hair instantly becomes coke .Painful scream continuously issued .relationresultHis Bahaiaround a few meters all warriors ,indiscriminate .
Are spontaneous intraoperative injury ,individual ,even the armor has become red ,who had collapsed in the underground stop whining .relationresultSo,soon his Bahai has cleared a small piece of land .
For their own casualties without any consciousness of the warrior ,holding up the double axe once again split in bear before the file on the arm .relationresultScream is also heard a scream ;because of too close to his bahai .
Giant bear armor was faint with melting phenomenon .Visible body by burn more pain .relationresultInhis Bahai obtain comprehensive advantage at the same time ,BOT is to leave the battle group .
relationresultHeattacked the are casting priest ,but was stopped by a paladin .Tomahawk heavy cut in on a gold shield ,iron cross Wong voices .BOT left fist like snakes out of fist ,with the broken air sound hit the enemy .
It threatened to hit it, the paladin had abandoned the left hand shield ,shield fall time, others have flashed from the side of a fatal blow .relationresultGoodskill ,BOT heart in dark .
Hand Axe does not hesitate to go .Paladin is a bent down to avoid the blow ,straight up when the sword back into the hands of bot .relationresultThe left handtakes the sword in hand is the enemy ,bot will kill again before a paladin ,and paladin mouth giving a short spell ,left with a fist big golden light group ,direct hit BOT chest .
relationresultPain,this is bot the feeling now .The golden light group hit the spot like burning ,armor melted a hole ,inside flesh is such as coke general ,beats by dre uk.relationresultThe painfrom his side ,Paladin sword .
Left hand but the pain of a push in the enemy waist ,tremendous force to the human life after pushing several meters .Through neutral BOT right away Tomahawk ,probe into the leather Related articles:

