
Artist Series hey to are almost im

Make nuisance for others to cover with to dance in the wind, frighten that yells, Long Qian Qian loudly way:"As long as you don't run, these ghosts can't worry you, will you be honest?"
The ghost seen cover with to dance in the wind, the white snake frightens all over to cringe and quickly and repeatedly nods a way:"The small white is absolutely honest, can't run, blare, do you take back these ghosts not very good quickly?The small white is well frightened!"A two Zhangs grow of the big snake shiver at my Se Se and look to really make people some hard believe, but this is is public personally see of affair.
Chen is polite to lamely walk to come up, "is this the spirit of mountain that guards one square?"
Several individuals talk to all want to raise head with it, the impatient way of Long Qian Qian:"Can't you diminish at 1:00?My receiving all of these ghosts is good ghosts, can't literally bite a person, but if you aren't a good devil, they will remain none of a bones that you eat."
"The small white is a good devil, absolutely is a good devil."White once the snake body shake, white fog is dimly discernible in brilliant, white the mountain rattan of the lotus immediately lost the target of attack, Long Qian Qian et al conjecture but didn't find out that white snake everywhere."Hum, so deceitful, incredibly run!"Long Qian Qian is malicious malicious on stamping foot, immediately spread a voice of pitiful Xi Xi on the ground:"The elder sister of the elder sister, the small white doesn't dare to escape, the small white is here.Blare, the yous, you hurry to lay by those ghosts, their appearances are very terrifying."
Is public to get a shock, follow voice to see go, sees a 56-year-old white very fat child cringing from fear of squat down on the ground, lovely of a pair of brightness of face of big eyes wretchedness lookinging at of Xi Xi Long Qian Qian.Well lovely small devil!Three girls fancied at the same time this small devil, immediately rounded up, "the true amiability of fat Du Du."",cheap beats by dre, This eyes are like to smile cloud, H'm, H'm, however you compare smile cloud white many.""Where did this clothes buy?Still have?"Three some kind of female speeches bomb and make that devil a bit muddle-headed to change direction.Last three femaleses even start making physical advances, that small devil's imitating a Buddha is the little daughter-in-law who is humiliated, a don't utter of silly stunned over there, peep out thousand times terrified facial expression on the face.
Lin Cong livings, Chen is polite really cannot see, finally yell 1 in their ear:"The force eldest brother(three seniors) came!"Just make them return to absolute being.But that small devil already didn't escape of energy, the wretchedness Xi lookinging at of Xi Lin Cong livings, Chen is polite.
Thought of own purpose, Long Qian Qian threw out the chest to loudly ask a way:"Boldly small devil, incredibly dare to set out a fan here, pretend to be spirit of mountain, you can know offense!"
The small devil immediately and repeatedly shakes head and suddenly see once Long Qian Qian's facial expression sink and quickly and quickly nod, then peep out helpless air and ask for to win public support a person a burst of and funny.White lotus soft track:"You are called small white is be not?Small white, the elder sister asks you how many questions good?If the answer of your honesty, the elder sisters can't make it lively for you, if you want to evasive answers us and hum, the ghosts of Qian Qian don't be vegetarian."
The small white quickly nods, Long Qian Qian asks a way:"You isn't a villager in of that what can cause volcano, direct the spirit of mountain of evil wolf demon tiger?A very small devil incredibly dares to swindle by false pretenses and pretends to be spirit of mountain."
The small white repeatedly shakes head to put a hand loudly a way:"Not yes, I ain't a spirit of mountain, the cloud demon elder brother is the spirit of mountain that they say.I however drive cloud elder brother Yao saved of a very small white snake just,Artist Series, this is also what cloud demon elder brother look for person decoration, follow a direction to walk and then can walk to return to village for of being doing not make people get lost, .If back and forth walked and then hard to said, the cloud demon elder brother made me guard here for of be want to help those to walk don't live of person, are only because a road for them, make other devils and wild beast not hurt them.The small white really always has never hurt anyone!"
"Knew, had been already known."The white lotus asks a way:"Make you guard here today, so definitely know to go out of road,cheap beats."
The small white quickly nods and suddenly peeps out difficult facial expression again:"You didn't want to once wear this forest?"
The Pie Pie mouth way of Long Qian Qian:"If just want to walk to return to village, we need not come to return back of walk indiscriminately everywhere.That spirit of mountain temple we have already for three timesed once sawed today, if don't once wear this forest also needless with much ado hold tight you.Quickly lead the way for us, otherwise, hum, the elder sister's ghost has already done not have a meal for a long time very much."
"Blare, don't go!"The small white sees air those retreating of ghost subconscious one step loudly way:"The cloud demon elder brother once says to take anyone in the past, unless they can depend on the strength depending on oneself to walk over there, cloud demon the elder brother is to say so."
"Hold tight you even if is the key that found out to come out this forest, this is to depend on our own strength to attain of be not?"Long Qian Qian Jiao says with smile:"And your that spirit of mountain elder brother is also a devil?We this time originally be want to look for a skillful bewitching clan superior, probably your that spirit of mountain elder brother is exactly the person whom we want to seek."
"Is impossible!"Small white loudly way:"Cloud demon elder brother once says, oneself only sought other people, the other people want to look for their they to are almost impossible.You can not find a cloud demon elder brother, he is ever-changing very severe, even if is to once see him once, you will don't necessarily recognize as well next time he.~, Why beat me?"
"Now I ask you, don't take us past?"Long Qian Qian's smiling face seems to be implicit too many things, small white one bottom sits on the ground and looking at white lotus, the cent of penny of Chen Mei Mei close to, the small white slowly nods:"I knew that I take you to go to, however you can not tell cloud a demon elder brother!Don't know how make, I always feel you and cloud demon the elder brother has a very intimate relation.Like, like, this time!Leave, can once wear the road of this forest a not only, but truely can see the person of these roads but only a few.Even if is a demon clan superior also can round to pass by to go, is also very few because of canning come out the devil of this forest."
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Chapter 17 demon clan test(beat a version)

"Like, have been already arrived!Along this path walks and then can find out the den of tiger head."The small white points at the road light tone of a slanting falsity song way:"Tiger head but one are very difficult to tie up of opponent!He this guy nearby has a lot of severe devils, they each evil spirit is very bad of appearance, the small white doesn't like.You want caution a point, they in the center have a lot of but super mankind of doing not like."
Sudden the words Ga of the small white however, eyes keep hanging up of looking at a front, a pleasing voice rings out:"Small white, you say what, here who don't like mankind?You this is at calumniate us these Be getting theer same kind.Although the tiger head doesn't like to seek you to bother, if you this sentence was heard by other companions, the result is very serious.Wanting don't the elder sister help you free publicity for a while?"One of treetop 56 years old, the whole body gold color feather dresses all take a gold hat the beautiful woman of the multicolored striped pattern smile happily on several of face of looking at small white.
Peep out on the small white face frightened that the facial expression immediately avoids three guilty ways of giving up, having somes:"Have no, my have nothing at all says!However I advise you to not make a mess of, they are very likely the cloud demon elder brother's friends, if drive cloud demon the elder brother know that you provoked them, result how will don't I say that you should also know.Don't think that oneself will fly and then have what fantastic of, you aren't just honest in cloud demon elder brother's in front."
Beautiful woman"Luo Luo" says with smile:"If you cloud demon the elder brother know that what you personally take them to here, should know result is you this lived 3,000 New Year's Eves to grow not greatly small white snake, when the time comes don't the strange elder sister can't ask for a favor for you.You already more than once ask for your cloud demon elder brother Related articles:

