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In the spider body, but was delayed to save the river ch ?? n wateret al opportunities, the only fighter spider has driving a yellow bird flew all the way to the previous Zhou Ziwei from the ground, out of the place in the distance there ,cheap dr dre beats,not far from a Xi ?? oxi?? owatering hole .
relationresultThen he sawthe king spider collected around bird neck silk ,will the poor bird free, then climb to the band restless moving back and forth .And at the same time to the passing of Zhou Ziwei a clear soul, that means that its former owner of spider NV should be from here to the water ,but also .
.. ... Seems to be no out !relationresultSpider NVdrowned here !relationresultZhou Ziweihalf-believe in release of a soul to the pool to explore ,but soon discovered that the pool area is not large ,is not deep, and this water does not see any body to save ,and even some of the ubiquitous Xi ?? o fish,Xi ?? oshrimp also completely not exists .
relationresultIt seemshe really is in vain for Kung Fu !relationresultZhou Ziwei wasshaking his head ,trying to collect the spider ,and then their four live search when, all of a sudden .
.. ... Across the pool bottom soul force suddenly found at the side of soft silt found a bunch of crooked footprints ... ... , relationresultThis... ... Like pinball footprints !Ruff .
.. ... As expected ... ... This shore although no footprints ,but some zero Lu ?? nanimal crawling and the trace, can ... ... There is the dragon group member driven into this and deliberately this near traces to destroy ?relationresultZhou Ziweihearts inching ,immediately and extension opened his own soul force along the bottom of the pool ,a crooked footprint search .
.. ... ,cheap beats by dre, relationresultCity King chapter 544th underground city , relationresultCityKing chapter 544th underground city , relationresultThispool is not particularly large, but also is not good to Xi ?? o,from east to West span at least four hundred or five hundred meters ,and the depth is also have no bottom ,the more to the center position ,depth of the amazing .
Zhou Ziwei extended the pool at the bottom of the footprint search after a moment ,he could not find the footprint of the place ,in desperation ,he also had to be the overlord after receiving into the alloy coat in the interlayer ,and then head into the pool ,straight toward the water in the depths of the heart sneak in .
relationresultThiswas a deep dive ,at least Zhou Ziwei although already tens of meters, but his soul is still on the pool bottom .And that a crooked footprint in the waters near the center position will not .
.. ... It is like the mouth of a volcano like, like if someone really came here, then either a misstep ,straight into the lake bottom go to ,either by water buoyancy ,floating on the water surface ,nature is unable to leave footprints .
relationresultLast in thetsunami mastered water energy mystery ,the water for Zhou Ziwei,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com, has become almost and air as usual ,even in deep water ,whether the buoyancy of water pressure, for Zhou Ziwei is not only not a burden ,but is one that allows Zhou Ziwei to supplement the body of the pubic region without the genus x ?? ngenergy storage source .
Now he doesn have to think of what ,as long as the bottom pressure by the invasion, the body of M ?? oholes come very naturally opened ,the pressure from all sides completely reduced to NO x ?? ngenergy intake into the body .
relationresultThepool depth although it is amazing ,and without advanced diving equipment, even a professional diver may have no ability to dive into the water at the bottom of a go ,but Zhou Ziwei is right ,just a moment have latent about 600 meters next ,finally is m only to water bottom .
relationresultDeeppool !relationresultZhou Ziwei wasamazing, then in the pool beneath the search of A .There is no light ,lake bottom has dark like hell ,Zhou Ziwei also had to use his soul force to be scanned ,and a scan ,Zhou Ziwei also found no body exists, the heart slightly relieved .
relationresultHis greatest fearis the dragon group members have all been killed ,then let the people to destroy everything thrown into the pool bottom down ,now do not see a corpse ,finally let him remain a glimmer of hope .
relationresultPreviouslythat a string of footprints in the show shortly before, must be one of the pools ,but here again no bodies ,clear water was not dead ,then ... ... His men to where ?relationresultZhou Ziwei once againfrom all sides as far as possible to release his soul force ,the entire lake bottom thorough scan of a moment later ,finally J ??ng Goda vibration ,found in the pool in a corner, has a diameter of about two meters of water oblique toward a deep underground in the past .
relationresultPoolwater ,this is a very natural thing ,it is no surprise that Xi ?? ostrange .To know the water although the area is not large ,but inside it is a lot of water ,and in the pool around and not a stream or water to the pool of supplement water ,then the pool and how may have maintained enough water ?relationresultGenerally such a situationthat the pool is mostly underground water source ,if the pool bottom is not water or spring or something exists, it is odd !relationresultHere thewater enough big enough for two or three people ,through the parallel ,so .
.. ... Dragon group of people, will be entered into the inside go ?relationresultThis discoverywill make Zhou Ziwei a bright eyes ,then he without any hesitation dived into the steep channel to front ,even it has most dangerous places ,Zhou Ziwei has to detect two hundred and forty meters away from the soul ,to also fear of people hiding in the channel in the plot .
relationresultZhou Ziweiand breath in this low high channel of the stealth was a full five or six minutes later, suddenly felt a broad front ,even imperceptibly reached another underground pool .
relationresultTheunderground water is also very deep ,but certainly not on the ground that the pool deep so outrageous ,when Zhou Ziwei through the soul of scanning probe out of the pool area and depth of about ,get a surprise .
relationresultAccording to Zhou Ziweiabout the estimation ,the underground water and the ground water the existing gap between must have at least four hundred meters ,while the man stroggles upwards ,to a low water flow which is already ancient truth ,but . Related articles:

