
Beats Detox zling bad news Be ge

The fertile Er associates."
Wave child of Sara at loudly of defend for himself, but her voice is in the center again big, put at these reporters who almost wanted to go crazy for the sake of the news, also sign Xuan be drowned, and, what the reporters wanted isn't defense like this, her words very natural drive people to filter drop.
The wave child of Sara feels that he or she absolutely all wants to go crazy,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com, she loudly shouted along while, but people basically didn't listen to into and probably listenned to into, was just answer isn't people desirable of, nature be seen as the garbage, go out from clearance in the ear.
The reporter, who sees to surround, is more and more, the wave child of Sara also understood these people's viewpoint and smiled to up and down say:"You are to want to ask, I will can't go to bed with Kai Lei, rightness?"
Be so directly spoken by the wave child of Sara, the reporters are anti- to pour stunned speechless, the in the mind thoughts of in succession, not Kui is come from Russia, these people are Chuans.A women even the Qi grows words to all incredibly say of gather to come to six reporters sometimes are such a strange communities,Beats Detox.They are sometimes well-manneredly like Zha.The private of the Zhong, but when they saw news again all becoming of a crazy dog regardless how vulgar words all can from they that inside in the irresponsible mouth jet, be also thought by them the special means that is news interview,disallow others to violate their right.
See the reporters all stunned speechless, the wave child of Sara seems to be very satisfied and sneered at one to say:"You are to think so of, probably your be still delineating in brain an I and the Kai Lei is in the police station of leak*order a drama, rightness?I will can't go to bed with Kai Lei, probably will!Probably can't!Who have been already known!Is little currently I am just him as a friend, only is a friend, as for future, that will see god'sly arrange, but affirmation isn't now, how?Are you satisfied?.
Finish saying a wave child of Sara on jilting aureate long hair, is a rent car, then connect a dust but go on the reporters eyelid underneath, leaves a to help the dumbstruck reporter upset station at first.
"I feel that I seemed to be played!"
"Really having never thoughting this woman is incredibly so severe."
"Damn!Incredibly what didn't get hold of, didn't°yet a women despised, I swear that I absolutely can't let she leads so much of, what did she just say?.
"She says such as will consider going to bed with Kai Lei!"
"Rightness!She is to say so of, this What an a declaration of brave!"
"That's right!She is absolutely too crary!"
On helping to have no good reporter to quickly reach a consensus, a super big scandal at wheat Di the doorway in the lousy ball building drive they these in normal times in for battling out news, person's brains all teed off the natural rivals enemy opponent of dog brain to make.
And at this time this another leading role Kai Lei in the affairs' returning be kepted in the dark, don't know anything, though he iterative inquiry Wang Zhi Guo, but Wang Zhi Guo is unclear its Ci, seem this honest honest and kind big statures after getting to New York, virtuous with Huo China these bastards foolish time grew and had already also started growing worse.
But he almost proceeds from instinct of thoughted of a wave child of Sara, just of the game was really too vehemence, vehemence arrive he forgot the wave child of Sara who comes together with him also in this ground, but when he prepares to contact a wave child of Sara, he just discovers that he basically has no the badge telephone of Russian beauty
"Mostly!Don't you really intend to tell me?"The Kai Lei faces to still and just and finally do to make great effort before walking.
Wang Zhi Guo smiles to shake:"Probably you will know occurrence tomorrow what, I really want to tell you, but virtuous White doesn't let, but I still hope that this matter can't result in the too great influence on you.
"Is all right!If you don't want to do so just vanquished the good heart feeling that the section compared, now already because Wang Zhi Guo brings back of the puzzling bad news Be getting aller gone.
Is another part returned to the wave child of Sara of house also not lead, she and the Kai Lei is in the night club, and drive bring in the affair of police station already all drive his father salad wave man Russian person rise name of habitually return be really oddness, don't know that Putin's daughter will call what name, Putin's child, Putin gives birth to of child!Know.
He always all at make every effort of make his own daughter keep off the whole scandals, but still kept being stained with now, and still how big 1, be he sees his own daughter come back of time, cut up rough of Russian muscle man's signing Cong to toward a daughter is a rant.
"Maria!You know not to know you at stem what?Only a night you my effort of these in the last yearses all to ruin, at the beginning I take you to come to the United States and ask for trouble for this, I how again hard doing not relate to, but, I not aming letting you coming to me for of being to make you play tennis,
"Father!This touches this to be just a surprised wave child of Sara while facing a father, being like of honesty a little girl, "I and Kai Lei 7 section the fertile Er really don't take place what, believe me!"
"Believe you!So you are to not is to should tell me the time that you spend a holiday in Maldive Islands now actually took place what, why you a come back the soul don't guard something to give up!Still say at that time did you know this Kai Lei?Section fertile Er."
Wave child of Sara immediately drive the father's sensitive to get a fright, quickly denial:"Not!Of course not BE!I and he of true have nothing at all
"Is all right!I temporarily believe you!"Although say to believe on the mouth, the look in the eyes of salad wave man obviously and deeply wears a doubt, " said first tonight's affair!You is going to wheat and forcing lousy?"
The wave child of Sara knows he or she be how conceal all useless, can admit, immediately after again save outside the affair being contained by the reporter said.Increase a credibility.
Who know salad wave once the man listen to, the facial expression on the face signed Hai to crash and helplessly looking at own daughter:"Maria!Your trouble canned be big this time."
Chapter 67 spreads a scandal again
Take newspaper, the Kai Lei felling all wants to go crazy by himself/herself and definitely print to add on the front page headlines black add thick big headline of 11 《I want to go to bed with Kai Lei 》 , still keep the big photograph of wave child of a Sara company at the same time, top of Russian beauty tiny Yang wear head, the facial expression seems to be very frivolous, although see is to grasp to clap,the Kai Lei still has to admire the reporters capability.(www.The з Zc n .com)
"Now isn't angry of time !"
Jason comes over newspaper Duo, a great anger Kai Lei according to return to a sofa up, saw the time of this news this morning, he was also some don't believe his own eyes, but those English were single the phrase is to definitely and without any error print at the front page of newspaper up.Although before once saw as well a few film stars be medium to his son the Kai Lei paid address, only that several times all drive he be became fun, even also become two father and son the topics that chew the fat at ordinary times, the leading lady this time still keeps making him canning not help feeling nervous, wave child of Sara!That and the Kai Lei be together closed into the woman of police station.
"Kai Lei?Moxa Lun?Section fertile Er!You now have to thoroughly explain for a while."Wheat Qi also some fires, she doesn't like the leading lady this time, wave child of Sara!Always she hopes Kai Lei can quickly of and the moxa Wei son become reconciled, but in addition come in a wave child of a Sara this time, she feels the affair became more and more complicated and saved moxa Wei son this daughter-in-law's plan the inside was also full of variable.
"How can anyone know, I liked father, mother, please let my calmness."Kai Lei feels that his/her own heads all wanted to be big, he really afraid not to know the woman who makes the strand Qi trod to when will also jump out to say to him and let the words that he is responsible for now.
"Is all right!Calmness!Calmness".Jason suddenly walks to the bedside, an outside say, "but our life have already had no way calmness now, the manorial outside rounds up to 100 reporters at least now, they all take paper and pen and every moment prepare to record each member in our house of on talking 1 line,Beats by Dre Just Beats, Related articles:

