
beats by dre solo port a report gene

Chapter 693 Li non- beauty contest
"His grandmother of, exactly where is a land?Lao Tze has to is dizzy to die!"
A sea storm just ended and then spread the roaring cry of the Li non- dollar gift pain and sufferings on the sea surface, they the naval base set out from the Yang state, 300 argosies loaded down two dry soldier and a great deal of china and all the way floated ocean over the sea and arrived to tingled six A straits neighborhoods one and half months later, but fell among sea storm raid.
Though the tall ship cook led storm, the food for powder on board be tossed about fordone, the Li non- dollar gift is more painful unbearable, he just adapted to at the sea sail at 1:00, positive energetic and daring, didn't think suffered this storm.
Gradually rise toward the sun on the sea surface, two seamans wear him and just and in despair hope boundless ocean to look beyond, "you not is say having land here?Where is the land ?"
He now only a mind, go ashore, go ashore to take a few days off well, the instauration comes over, his whole life still has never been subjected to this kind of offense.
"Land!", On the mast of look beyond a member to suddenly point at afar to yell, " you see quickly, have land!", Eyes of the Li non- dollar gift stare such as egg big, the eye pupil sons all want to bulge and tried very hard to the land of looking for his in a dream, finally, he also saw, sees sea-level up appeared a black line, he "admire"s ground one shout loudly, the double feet spring up, ship at the right moment 1 rise and fall, he didn't stand firm a while, fall on one's back fall off on the deck, for all that, he still too agitated yell to shout loudly, break the orotund on the water of Luo sort to resound, "my close grandmother hey!Finally there is land.
Soldier and some businessmen in the ship Cang hear responsibility land, rushes out in succession, the war whoop resounded through deck.
A group of businessmen surrounded the Li non- dollar gift, one among those persons gave him the introduction way:"Is the entrance that tingles six A straitses here, a long straits, wolf tooth in the northern side fixs a country, but south the noodles is a room benefit the Buddha die a country, is this to take the strongest country" pleads the Li non- general to go to Buddha benefit the city stop for a day, we change some goods."
These businessmen totally have more than 100 persons, is all big food, Persia and Su person especially, the tall ship is while supplying in Guangzhou, they hear that the ship wants to letter to to be virtuous, in succession the Hui wager Li non- dollar gift, implore to travel by ship, the Li non- dollar gift then accepted several advantages of thousand Guan moneys a while, he also consented gladly.
These businessmen mostly take of is goods, such as silk and china...etc., generally they will sell out with the costliness on the insularity of Southern Asia and buy goods like spice,etc again back Persia greatly eat to sell"reap staggering profits, make a trip like this, they in fact do two business, room benefit Buddha's dying is a big Southern Asia country, this opportunity they generally can't pass.
Hear to have country"the Li non- dollar gift a the mouth say with smile:"Has that already had beauty?", " Have!Have!The woman here has much of flavor, very good of, that bottom, that**, promise that the general likes."
"Good!"The Li non- dollar once the gift wave hand, " that we go ashore and choose a few beauties road up dissipate sorrows.", Though Anne the soldier military discipline is strict clear,arrived a far place of this mountain Gao emperor" the lewd man's natural character of the Li non- dollar gift then exposed to come out.
The embarkation is so long, the brotherses Be all stuffy to be getting worse, certainly also want to take a rest a rest and have fun, the commendable joy has no woman not to go, the Li non- dollar gift shows consideration to an inferiority, already of desire"also is at the person, he accepts several thousand wagers of Guan Hui and at the right moment enjoy insularity chemisette to the food for powder taste.
The Li non- dollar gift immediately issues order that 2,000 brotherses, everybody delivers three Guan money"can go ashore to seek a woman and buy thing, all listen to then, the food for powder immediately shouts" although some military officers feel not satisfactory,dared not offended to anger the Li non- dollar gift again and had to put food for powder to go ashore, old hold steady heavy then stay on a ship.
The room benefit Buddha dies is that today's Su door answer a La island, is the biggest Southern Asia country, a lot of businessmen all go big Tang and carry on trade, this takes to also live many big Chinese peoples, all from the Ling south a take since then.
Tang Jun is a nation to add an island the land that the tall ship see, here leave room benefit the Buddha die a country all the city Buddha benefit harbor not far, the room benefit Buddha died a country to occupy the whole Su door to answer a La island, thing a long distance, south north 4,000 insides are far, all the city Buddha benefit harbor today Indonesia huge harbor city the neighborhood is also Southern Asia's biggest port at that time, the person who made a living here from big Tang Lai, would be in the Buddha benefit harbor to stop for a rest first.
Tang Jun's tall ship has never come to Buddha benefit harbor,beats by dre solo, but these beard companies are familiar light car roads, under their guide line, Tang Jun's tall ship once rounded a nation to add an island and arrived Buddha benefit harbor, at this time already cent in afternoon.
Though the Buddha benefit harbor is the biggest Southern Asia city, also just opposite and talk, port also not big, basically stop not descend Tang Jun's 300 argosies, good at is today however gulf, argosy in succession in the gulf under cobalt, the food for powder embarks boat to drive to go to the port, only the Li non- dollar gift take of main ship pull in to shore.
The Buddha benefit harbor is a prosperous harbor city, located in thing sea transportation strategic area, the re-exports trades prosperous, big Tang, India collect here with Arabian contacts merchantman, the population has ten several ten thousand, the arrival of Buddhism prosperous Tang Jun's tall ship disturbed whole all the common people of city, the thousands of small monger rushes a city and lift various soil special product and tropical fruits peddle to Tang Jun, a lot of prostitutes in the cities also rush out to rob a guest and clamor shout on the wharf, noisy matchless.
The Li non- dollar gift has been already gone ashore as well, he stands on the wharf outspoken happy, the Buddha benefit harbor compares wanting of his imagination much better, noisy prosperous, the woman is also plumper, is just that the skin is dark, this makes him have some slight imperfection.
"General, someone seeks you!"
One well-known scholar the soldier took several individuals to walk to come up, all the clothes is gorgeous, and is dressed in big Tang's black skin Xue, this is the sign of first-class person, native son mostly the shape is short small, the skin is dark, however have a white dress person among them, the shape pours to be like a Hahn people.
They walk to come forward toward the Li non- dollar gift to match Zhang to salute, white dress humality:"Welcome Tang Jun to a Buddha to die a country!", What to say is a very standard Chinese language, the Li non- dollar the gift is very surprised, " are you a big Chinese people?", White dress the man smile to order, " little people originally Chuan-chou person, call Lin You, three year agos hold whole family to move here."
He points at after death a shape again strong solid, full face serious of man, introduction way:"These are many well princes, all of several behinds are this cities Tribal chiefs, come to see a gift to the general especially.", "!Be getting more polite.", The Li non- dollar gift presses a root not to want to do what big abroad hand over, he just comes to seek a woman, let the brotherses the fully enjoy is a , then leave, which have idea to make contact with with the local imperial government, he is a burst of to have a headache, then turn head to want to seek a scapegoat, but a person didn't also see and had to dark scold a , crustily skin of head way:"We were to letter to virtuous on the way and meet storm, blown here to come, took a rest for a day, tomorrow walk."
White dress man's wood visited to translate full face of prince strain to immediately smooth to the prince, wanted is also, 2,000 troops go ashore, which nations will be nervous, peeped out smiling face on his face, match a Zhang way:"Big Tang and we are amities nation, we would like to provide the whole helps."
The Li non- dollar gift listenned to translate once the sudden eye pupil turn, the thick Yan says with smile:"Doing not know that the prince can provide a few beautiful looks women to solve travel is tired, ha ha!", Lin You is stunned speechless, he a little bit dares not believes he to hear of unexpectedly and directly demand a woman, absolutely give big Tang shameful!
This words he doesn't dare to translate and have to to prince's way:"Tang Jun's food for powder wants to appreciate the romantic feeling that the Buddha dies a country and see exhibition of song and dance what of, this general has a little homesick, hope that the prince can provide a few kitchen with superb cookings Niang, he wants to have a taste a delicious good dinner."
The prince roars with laughter to clap an afraid breast way:"Is all right, I this arranges!"
"What does he say?"The Li non- dollar the gift fascination Be towering to ask a way.
"Prince says it's all right, promise to make the general satisfied."
2 people all the cachinnation get up and embrace each other for a while, the prince then turned round to leave, and the Li non- dollar gift also full of beansly went into the city.
Because is city city walls and all use and burn brick and build, very short, only one Zhang is five Gaos, the whole city defense also equal to tang dynasty of one inside etc. county city, greatly parts of persons all live outside the city and live several myriad people inside city in the low short log cabin, also is all about the wood system of the inclined crest house, the house leaves grounds and all has a Chinese foot and sees appearance here am also there is rain-storm often, the street pours breadth a few my avenue both sideses and also closely spreads all over a private house, there is also the building that the brick builds, those are Buddhist temple and palace.
The avenue both sides store spreads densely, big Tang, India, the goods of Arabia etc. everyplace all have been already sold, customer the person of mostly native other cities, and come from Ma Lai peninsula wolf the tooth fix the people and also have many Arabs and tang dynasty the businessman, the currency regards Tang Bi as principle.
But the recent tang dynasty is large-scale to collect see-going ship, also influenced this place of business, each stores all seem to be a bit light, non-commissioned officer Tang's soldier's arrival is biggest popular among the businessmen.
In addition to three Guan tip to servants that get the Li non- dollar gift Tang Jun's food for powder, oneself also carried money, and my commodity price is cheap, Tang Juns make moves more free with money, enjoy the businessmen fancy, almost each Tang's soldier appears and would is the object that they battle out and lures Tang Jun's food for powder to come patronage with various move.
The wine shop brothel belongs to mankind common cultural inheritance, more than ten wine houses inside the city are already to jam non-commissioned officer Tang's soldier, didn't extremely clamor a noisy sound, 78 brothels in the city were also that the businesses are fierce, all basically wrapped by non-commissioned officer Tang's soldiers bottom, the Li non- dollar gift certainly can't rob a food with the brotherses, he just strolls 1 turn and sees romantic feeling in the city, then return to the beauty that the princes like ship,etc delivers.
The landscape in the city is lifeless, the temples is numerous, but he doesn't believe Buddhism as well and feel spiritless and see the color of the sky late and then returned to ship to drink to have a meal to go to.
Return to on board, immediately have close soldier to report, prince parties the person deliver three women, fore the cabin waits for, the Li non- dollar gift exultation, quick go to before cabin but go, the report believes a close soldier but follows him small track:, "General, seem to deliver of person how very not!", " Ah!You don't understand, have to have flavor and have the woman of flavor is the best of, the prince's taste isn't bad."
He a push away a close soldier, the fascination upsurge ground hurtles into before the cabin, an enter cabin he but stunned speechless, is three women right, but fatty and black and short, the looks is ugly, more desperately is all of ages are 4510 years old, where is that he imagines medium beautiful Jiao Niang.
"General, they are to have flavor, the whole body is a flavor."Close soldier at after death complaint way.
The full chamber of the Li non- dollar gift**be put out by cold water, he immediately became angry from embarrassment and projected a fury in the eye, a turn head to lambaste:"His Niang of, dare to make fun of Lao Tze, Lao Tze put out your this dog's dung nation!"
In fact all of these three women are a well-known kitchen Niang in the palaces, the prince is some kind of beautiful ideas, translation also want to promote two country normal cultural interaction, but refuse the bad thought of the Li non- dollar gift, didn't expect they meets of but is representative's person of bad thought in big Tang Jun.
Is all disaster that translates to ask for!
The Li non- dollar gift wrath rushes out to walk deck, the sky has already had a little a night view dim moonlight at this time, suddenly, the wharf uploads to a burst of Ping to make, sees big cluster of non-commissioned officer Tang's soldier lifting a few loads back, being full of angry expression on the everyone face.
"What happened matter?", The Li non- dollar the gift Be harsh voice to drink to ask a way.
One person comes up to report a report, "general, a few brotherses was chopped down to harm in the city, the knife also robbed to walk.What is", the Li non- dollar gift exploded with rage more, "!Dare to humiliate my Tang Jun, his Niang of, orderany all brotherses back, prepare to seize entire family belongs to annihilate a city!", A pair will come forward to advise a way at this time:"General, the affair asks to clearly say again, perhaps is that we are wrong.", In fact the Li non- dollar gift isn't a reckless person either, he can only block one noodles history up he also attained a northern stanza degree in the court the high for making, and he is a sharp-edged enterprising person, don't like to guard, Li Qing puts him for believe virtuous all Du, be hope that he can continue to India extend, it may be said use a person properly, but the Li non- dollar the gift also has two weaknesses one is lewd, to him, woman the first, the business second, secondly cover up shortcomings even if is oneself's under charge to make mistake, he will also push the responsibility to the other party head up.
Although in the moment seem soldier be chopped down to arise his fury, in fact and otherwise, actually is three kitchen Niangs to make him become angry from embarrassment.
The advice that the under charge will get he basically can't hears, he at the right moment cans not finds reason to teach this nation, the it happened that soldier is chopped down, and he immediately issues order that the soldier returns to ship.
The circumstance has been clear at this time, he three well-known scholar the soldier get drunk wine and flirt a love Qie of nobility and annoy officials as a result, dark make lane the bottom assault three non-commissioned officer Tang's soldiers and chop down their wound and wear dint to also capture.
Is very quick, the soldiers who go into the city all came back, the Li non- dollar gift issued order the whole army wears helmet and grow pike bow and arrow ready, the in file needs to be made on the wharf.
The under charge will get to see an affair have to make greatly, hurriedly please green even Wei come, the Wei is green even drive the ordination of Li Qing An in order to believe a benevolent government duty long history, is the tallest administration that believes a virtuous region superior"he also fell sick because of seasick and heard that the Li non- dollar gift wants to send army to put out a country" frighten he hurriedly supports the body of disease to come to persuade.
"The Li non- general, this has no big deal and why the need for wanted to break down the friendly friendship of two countries?"
The Wei green even bitterness advises him, "general, explain them, compensate a little medical expenses to go."
The Li non- dollar gift although the Jie Ao doesn't tame, his only afraid Li Qing An, he is afraid that the Wei is green even to pass Li Qing An to this matter, he has to and endures a spirit way:"Is all right!I give the Sir a face, also they are an opportunity."
The Li non- dollar gift strikes table to roar a way:"To deliver a letter for Lao Tze, let their king roll out to compensate gift apology, hand in a murderer entirely, compensate 10,000 Guan money and 20 beauties again, Lao Tze this time even if, otherwise, Lao Tze put out his nation."
The Wei is green even to listen to him saying stupidly, and still wants a woman, not from eyebrows 1:"General, whether want to notice a wording!"
This was already the biggest of the Li non- dollar gift to concede, the Wei was green even to unexpectedly still make him notice a wording, he is also unbearable, and the tiger wears a face way:"I am a boorish, will be straight talk, so, a word prohibits to change and sends for them."
The Wei is green even to is a show to just meet a soldier, has reason to can not remember clearly, he bit one lower lip and had no again talk.
The close soldier wrote a letter, went ashore to seek a local businessman and let him went into the city to send letter.
At this time, Tang Jun's war preparedness was ready, the infantry of 1,800 people, there are also 200 soldier of ridings, the under charges of the Li non- dollar gift are all crack to ride a soldier, they all loathe to give up and love a horse to distinguish, but the most can take more than 210 horses, public then draw lots decision, took more than 200 war horses, didn't expect unexpectedly constitute one riding of 200 people soldier of paying today.
Though the great majority are infantries,Tang Jun all takes to ride soldier Nu and grows Shuo and war knife, in file tidy, the real strenght is strong.
The Li non- dollar gift also crest Kui Guan A went ashore, he rides in the war right away and holds horizontal knife and after death follow five Langs will, also equally ride in the war right away.
Tang Jun suddenly turns angry face to also let the Buddha die a country to catch unprepared, king Su necessarily the benefit urgently make to close city gate and urgently call liege man company quantity counterplan, but they met a hard nut to crack, the nobility bringing calamity is the king's uncle's Sudan benefit, always can not hand over Wang Shu to go out!
At this time, big ministers were divided into two camps, prince Dans more advocate rather a matter interest person, the city compensates gift apology and gives 1,502 golds in expiation of, again chop down the person's a few hatchet men hands over to go out, as for the Li non- dollar is 20 beauty conditions that the gift puts forward, prince Dans more didn't also put in the mind, isn't likely to promise everything.
But Wang Shu's Sudan benefit determinedly advocates to teach rude Tang Jun, is that they flirt their they to love Qie previously, chop down to harm is also what a suck, and Tang Jun only have 2,000 people, there are 10,000 troops in his city, why want to accept defeat Tang Jun.
King Su necessarily the benefit not is to fear at present Tang Jun, but fear tang dynasty to send a punitive expedition, he thought along while, finally decided to adopt many opinions of prince Dan and admitted mistake to sue for peace to Tang Jun.
He is a king, certainly can't compensate gift apology, then make the prince represent him go to and Tang Jun's negotiation.
The city gate opened, a city, the Buddha dies a country to abound in gold, a few attendants lift the box of 1,502 golds, there are also various seafood and coconut wine, come Tang Jun of Di Lao, prince Dans walk more fore noodles side follow to translate Lin You.
Lin You has a little scared Dan Zhan, his heart knows a belly clearly, afraid of the Tang Jun chief commander lose temper to relate to his translation, the Tang Jun chief commander wants beauty, but he translates kitchen Niang, certainly, he in no case will admit being his own responsibility.
Prince Dans walk to come forward more and match Zhang to salute a way to the Li non- dollar gift:"The Buddha of my representative dies a country's king to come to compensate gift apology and asks Tang Jun to accept our most devout apology."
Wait Lin You the translation is over, once he wave hand, a few attendants will pack the box of gold to lift up, open a box, immediately one Huang Cheng Cheng, prince Dans have some to satisfiedly glimpse the Li non- dollar gift more, these are 1,502 golds, far far not only he wants of 10,000 Guan money.
The Li non- dollar the gift but facial expression is apathetic, gold he doesn't even see one eye, he after death has 2,000 soldiers, he if 1,002 gold bow in courtesies, he hereafter can also have prestige in the soldier?
Prince Dans see more the other party isn't moved by gold, he not from a bit embarrassed, and then made backward an expression of eyes, attendant will a great deal of of seafood and coconut wine lift to come up and finally escort to come up three hatchet men.
Dan many Gong body way:"These are three murderers, hand over to Tang Jun the treatment now, another sea goods and wine are our one dessert ideas, Tang Jun of Di Lao, please receive!"
The vision of the Li non- dollar gift stares at on three murderers, he has already asked maimed brothers, they are assaulted by 20 several people, a dumpy shape middle age man to issue order to harm a person, seem a nobility, right at present have a cake of of the birthmark in black, listen to native son say, this person is the king's uncle, but at present these 3 people, all thin and small, the short shipment that wears a same style black dress, know on seeing to is a hatchet man, take them to sentence?
The Li non- dollar the gift Be a burst of to sneer at, use knife on pointing 3 people, "you also too small lo Tang Jun, with these three ghosts, they can harm of brothers?Your apologies I tell you, I don't accept, I don't want hatchet man, I can also not woman, cause that uncle Wang hand in for me, I am kind give up, otherwise, I step even you this dog's dung country!"
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