
beats by dre pro ort while the Ji va

Chapter 385 realizes suddenly
If this a piece of star area is also got by him.In the future inside the valley of Xuan Yuan of nine temple private in the sky, the root need not be vexed for the Jing of the stars of nine temple self - disciplines in the sky again to worry.
Really fly to come to horizontal blessing!
In this way, the Ji vast sky pursued the mind of that monster to determine more, the dead dead stares at this monster not to put and certainly wants to cut this monster to kill.
This a cake of is full to is to live an astral star area, should be belong to this monster, only cut this monster to kill.He just probably owns this a piece of star area, otherwise, no matter when he come to this self-discipline, all will hard avoid of be run into by this monster.The half-way that even may blend the Jing of stars at him is been getting tiller death for sneak attack by this monster.
Continue to keep on making track for!
Raise speed most quickly, the Ji vast sky is all the way lightning fast, soul Ning six soul pillars of the chain Gao Gao Xuan since, prepare to give° that monster thoroughly a chain to turn.
The effort doesn't take an observant and conscientious person.Again pursue in a short while, Ji vast sky finally at a hugely live a star top, now that monster.
The that the monster whole body is burned by fire in the sky is red, the ugly face presents an air of pain and sufferings and sees appearance him that whole body from the scales and shell of the chain of Jing Ning of stars although severe, is not all-powerful either.
Has been burned so for a long time, the dint of this stars on the monster body, should be consumed about.
This monster knows oneself the incineration of the fire of coulding not escape the sky and knows to continue to keep on escaping, it is similar to fear the dead end is only a , so trample over there live a star top this monster directly stopped down, the air painfully struggles and madly curses and scolds.
"Private in the sky damning, you are the moths of endless star area!As long as you pass by of place, allly living starses will slowly become to die a star, the dint of the stars origin in the endless star area, be drive your these privates in the skies who damn to finish frivoling!"
"Your existence is the woe of the whole star area!You are all tall wait racial of enemy!You know breakage, but don't know a creation, sooner or later one day, the origin strength of the stars of endless star area, all will drive you to wasted the light , till that time, is also the time that you destroy completely!"
The Ji vast sky is from the sky but decline, fall this to largely live a star top, the heart reads a to move, six soul pillars lived this monster first to the cover.
Have never been hasty to use the strength of soul song in the town to give° this monster that the chain turns, even in, the Ji vast sky still divides time fire in the sky separated from this monster body and just let to cover with of the sky fire surround him, but temporarily have never continued to hurt him.
Fire in the sky divides time a to fly off from the body of this monster, on this monster body right away starlight Yi Yi.
Live a star from an of neighborhood suddenly top, fly off one in fine threads bright starlight, these starlights are subjected to that monster body of attraction, infuse into the body of this monster in succession.
Indeed as expected and as expected, this a piece of star area is exactly the home of this monster!
The Jing of the stars of his body should all come from this a piece of star area and come from a neighborhood to live the Jing of the stars in the star, is exactly as it does, be the his body stars in the 丅 of the dint consume half of time, pass the Jing of stars of those scales and shell statuses, he just can quickly re- come together the dint of living the stars on the star, resume own strength.
"Only say our private in the sky, you dark star clan isn't similar?"The Ji vast sky sneers at, " you the self-discipline method of dark star clan and although our private in the sky is different, but still keep needing to make use of the Jing of stars, we integrate into soul with the Jing of stars self-discipline acupuncture points, you directly change into the scales and shell of meat body.Isn't the purpose all similar?"
"Is quite good, the place led by our private in the sky, really being a meeting will live the Jing of the stars in the star to run out.Make to live a star to become to die a star,are not you so?You since need the Jing of stars to come to forging meat body, form that kind of scales and shell, the place led by you, will not live a star to become the star of dying?"
Once the monster see a sky, the fire leaves a body, that soul pillar didn't also shine on to come over to launch the attack of putting out the soul, and his emotion of that ruthlessly oppressive madness gradually stabilized down.
The light of the stars of a little flew to divert from the neighborhood live the star and slowly fell into the scales and shell of his body surface up, make to burn red scales and shell to start resuming gradually, also make this strength on the monster body slowly resume.
This situation is very beneficial to him!
Therefore, he even if don't wish in the heart, also want to follow Ji vast sky and talk, and also need to say the Ji words that vast sky is interested in, this status keeps on one more each time, he can resume more the strength of some bodies-he demand time!
"Dissimilarity!We noble dark star clan, as different as chalk and cheese from your private in the sky's behaviour rule.We need the Jing of stars to come to self-discipline, this we are similar, however, we in no case will easily live one star to become the star of dying!"
"You see, is the ground of self-discipline that belongs to us here.
Have already arrived a dead star?Here all starses, all live a star!They can also keep on the strength of absorbing the star area, they can continue the strength of coming together the star area to form the Jing of new stars!"
Give he so on saying, Ji vast sky's pouring was some hairs to stare blankly.Released soul to secretly find out for a while.He discovers this monster to don't tell a lie, the stars of neighborhood really each ones all live a star, there is really no dead star existence.
Stared blankly in a short while, the Ji vast sky was cold to hum a , way:"I see to be your demand not the Jing of so many starses come to self-discipline?Here only you a dark star clan of, you use the stars here to not only order Jing again.So then the Jing of the stars here can can keep down, if here have more and your similar dark star clansmen, I don't believe the Jing of the stars here to keep down!"
The monster suddenly peeps out to disdain to for several cents, the way of Ji Qiao:"You think are each races all similar to your mankind to fail to recognize the larger issue?I tell you!Even if is at we the gathering star of the dark star clan area, also all cover with of live a star!We the self-discipline of dark star clan, the root can't do one this kind of puts out descendant exit of the malicious unique affair come out!"
"As long as live the Jing of the stars in the star to reserve 1/5, live a star and then can keep on to absorb star area in of visiting and leaving star dint.Only 200 years, one lives the Jing of astral stars, can resume 100%.The words that is unmanned to move it, several a hundred years after.Is a live star in be collected of the Jing of stars then will all resume to come over!"
"But.If live a star become dead star, all Jings of starses are collected to walk, that dead, the star takes millions years, just can form the Jing of new stars to come out."
"Live star center if have the Jing of stars, almost never the Yun put out.But dead star dissimilarity, there is no the Jing of stars.The dead star basically has no center, in the endless star area, once being carelessly collided by the meteorite, will be partial to move original orbit, thoroughly explode ground open."
"You these private in the sky that damn, will endlessly obtain, you will live all of the Jings of the stars in the star to use and made to live a star to become a dead star, then died the star be bumped shot by the meteorite to explode ground open.Formed more meteorites to fly to project to, bump the shot more dead stars, it die a the star thoroughly disappear ocean at the star area in!""You do so, will ruin all of the whole stars of endless star areas sooner or later!Your greed!Your endless desire!Coming to a decision you is the moths of endless star area!"
"You became the star area that you live one dead Ji, then then will look for to morely live a star.Will morely live a star to become to die a star, you this is to demolish an endless star area, no wonder that so many high etc. races Be allied to put together, destroy completely your mankind, you damn!!"
The monster of this dark star clan on the other hand wants to procrastinate time and also fights for the dint of more starses for oneself, moreover and on the other hand is really to fill with righteous indignation, very not easy found out to drain, lambaste and have no to have scruples about toward the Ji vast sky a brains ground.
The Ji vast sky is getting more silent, he understood the evaluation of high etc,beats by dre pro. race to mankind of endless star area for the first time.
This be one to make him feel a sorrow form of address, he how all could not imagine, unexpectedly is the moth that breaks an endless star area resources for the mankind of man, in the eyes of these endless star area Gao Deng's races from the Xu!
However, he cautiously listenned to some kind of pains of this monster scold, but knowing this monster to anything but make unfounded accusations.He says of ……perhaps is still really fact.
Because, the sun star area and Yun starfish the area is the most emollient evidence.
The body is in the sun star area of he, know the resources of the sun star area is short of to arrive what situation, original in the sun star area have no place not at of live a star, in several ten thousand yearseses inside, became to die one by one star, one by one of the dead star became meteorite, those meteorite, drop into to each mainland, make many mainlands people live in wretched conditions.
Is previous of he, never and hard once thought this problem.
BE not understand either why these in the last years, the natural disaster out of the sky will be more and more serious, he listens to his grandfather once say, recently 100 years, a lot of sun star areas are suited for the star of life that the mankind exist, similar to five lines of mainlands mainland, one by one of disappearance.
-They are demolished in various meteorite rain.
Many people all say the punishment that this are the natural rule, but could not search basic reason, but listenned to some kind of words of this dark star clan monster at present, he on the whole is understand ……
The all these all in fact can avoid, as long as mankind's heart save some kind thoughts, little penny greed and desire, is many a concerns to the posterity ……
As long as the mankind no longer will live a star to become to die a star, each big star areas can avoid people live in wretched conditions and avoid natural rule of quilt to demolish.If so, the star of life can always at!
There is this clear Wu in the heart suddenly.The Ji vast sky feels his/her own soul, imitate a Buddha to get a certain sublimate.
His have nothing at all does, just hole Che a certain world rule, understood natural importance, but his soul is to acquire a certain strength ……
However, this is also the great void Mi records assertion of profound meaning of a!But nine of the self-discipline of territory, at forging meat body and soul of time, even need to understand to in the whole world exist ten thousand years of profound meaning!
Station where an on every occasion, the soul of Ji vast sky, but quickly change.
Soul song in the town has already stopped singing.His soul is dark to match world profound meaning, marvellously turned several turns, a kind of clear Wu suddenly profoundly printed to keep on recording in the soul.
Mentality didn't raise, soul also have no forging.But he knows, his soul has already become different.
Seem ……got some things, the but again was hard to catch.
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