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:"Rang outside necessarily first essentials Anne inside.Last month, the enchanter in the palace ground the ear eyes have already been cleared greater half, leave of several in the individual, Wang Xi can also freely take a stroll, besides which, , the its She various persons are all looked.Anticipate for two months inside, the emperor will have big action."
Leaf Hao sky"oh"1, ask a way:"When did you start launching troops to the Japanese invaders?"
Any:"Have been already started.Just after you go out, the emperor called Sir in Kuei-shan to come in to encourage severals and only declared that Luo of life opens the mountain as Fukien and Zhe Ren later on two save a total soldier, get an anti- Wo affair generally.Striving for will occupy all of the circumlittoral Japanese invaderses to clear in six months clean!
Is happy in leaf the Hao heart in the sky, say with smile:"Finally wait until this day, the day receiving due acclaim and attention arrived."
Mr. Feng immediately after way:"Just emperor Zhao sees Sir in Kuei-shan.Sir in Kuei-shan entreats to make the emperor postpone resort to arms and says to is to give him an opportunity, letting him trying can advise Japanese invaders to decline, the emperor promised and said to is to give him two month time, will send troops of day settle at the end of June."
Leaf the Hao in the mind"Luo Mao" in sky is a , way:"Is not good, Kuei-shan is big evil head true absolute being ground person, this goes to an affirmative nothing important good matter, perhaps will for the Japanese invaders settle next defend of plan, probably is different from a ground of impossible to effectively guard against means.I brothers Luo's opening mountain be bothering."
Any Sir considers a short moment way:"The medium soil is wealth of talent, having no Luo to open mountain will also be different from of general top.So the other party doesn't greatly launch the possibility for assassinating in advance, if belligerence of, then be another matter."
Leaf Hao the sky wanted to think a way:"Even if Kuei-shan I don't go, difficult protect to have no another superior to left for to assassinate.Don't go, I want to look for person to open mountain 1 for Luo."He takes out nine later on article lotus the set put on the table, oneself then pulled orchid son to return to a living room and left the heel of Mr. Feng just to talk in the self-discipline ground Niang son in lotus Taichung.
Zhu Ying has already eaten wined and dined to satietily at this time, the half lies at too teacher chair in heel Wang Ye Xu's words.See leaf Hao the sky come in, he just sat to keep body, say with smile:"Hey Hey, today was a hundred years to break vegetarian fast for the first time, also the last time me to eat meat.The tomorrow rises, I am good friends with to do my monk so much.Did so for several years, also really could not let go.I just and cautiously once thought, Buddha achievement in deeply have Xuan machine, I have some result recently, go and perhaps will have under the persistence big become."
The orchid son drum takes to say with smile:"Once uncle the Zu was indeed as expected extraordinary.You are old to stay two more day to leave again,Beats Solo HD!
Leaf Hao the sky seize an opportunity a way:"The elder generation might as well walk again for two months in the evening.There is a matter that need your old man's house to help."
Zhu Ying Yi listens to come to spirit and ask a way:"What matter though you open mouth.The old Na owes you great human feelings, if now walked, always felt very much obliged."
Leaf Hao God's way:"Just the emperor issues to issue imperial edict a book.Prepare to distinctly destroy completely Japanese invaders at the end of June.I am afraid that someone tries to assassinate clear soldier commander-in-chief and invites you especially old man's house to open to eat well well and drink for 20 months in the mountain camp to Luo.As long as mid- June, I invite a ground of superior and then will come, you can far leave for Kun Lun to go at that time."
Li Ying claps a breast way:"This matter handed over to old Na!"Then again the low voice say with smile:"Surprisingly Wang Ye still wants to do escort for total soldier, this what morals of the world!
Flank of six king Ye hurry way:"Your old man's house doesn't go.Tomorrow I beg an emperor and let him send a few inner palace superiors to go!
Zhu Ying makes an effort to put a hand way:"Do not go, wrong this opportunity, I any further still not the human feelings of this boy.Besides, I is of is to win common people in the land, isn't pure to protect a total soldier."
Listen to he say so, six king Yes just now forget about it.
Leaf the Hao in the sky get hall, right against the face running into Yan the east is even.Just wanted to ask the other party since departure situation, but saw Yan east even profoundly Ju one Gong, the Shu of this ventriloquism said:"I thought of that helping Luo in the soldier elder brother is a , consequently comes to take leave especially."
Regrets in leaf the Hao heart in the sky, grip an eastern even hand of Yan, say:"The Yan elder brother's wisdom and ability has never got to say, has you the help and believe that the Luo elder brother will be easily a lot of."
The east of the Yan is even to looking at his eyes, ponder a short moment to say:"The brothers maybe not knows that the your stupid brother is the posterity that grows an even Yan house, the Yan Xian and Yan Hao woulds be first Zu."His vision has been staring at a leaf while saying this time words Hao sky, want to see how its reaction is.
Leaf Hao his brain in the sky quickly searched for a while and soon thought of to contain so two persons with interesting behaviour for the east Jin period.
It is said that the Yan Xian serves as Yu chapter district magistrate, before facing to go, the person of capital city gives the friends and relatives that he gives in the Yu chapter to take a letter, the result is a piece to also give, Lee also gives, and the Yan Xian wants to take a ground of letter to have 100 to seal more.The Yan Xian took out all of this lane letters after going aboard, noodles toward the heaven, the air is solemn and peaceful, read to have a phrase way in:"Sink from sink, float pure from float, An Yan Xian just he the Niang ground doesn't give you are mailman!"Say these letters all the Ling threw in the Ren, then hoist sail to take a post go to.
The Yan Xian has no many name spirits in history, however his son the Yan Hao pour is have somes.The Yan Hao is a well-known empty talk person at that time, a someone asked him:"The time wanted to promote but while arriving coffin, becoming rich dream but dream arrived big muck, is this what is the row?"Yan Hao answered:"An official was smelly originally a Fu matter, so wanted to be the time of officer and then will dream a corpse;Becoming rich is original and then walks a dirty matter, so the time wanted to become rich will dream excrement."People all chased the answer of Yan Hao as famous saying and broadcast everywhere at that time.
The skill that doesn't satisfied with argument, he has been wanting to do some kind of astounding effort, was a history to give him such an opportunity.Afterwards the Yan Hao serves as the Yang state sting history, immediately again be appointed in order to win soldier general, all Du Yang, Yu, Yan, Xu, green five state militaries.Big power in control, the Yan Hao is moving, lead battalion right away, cross Huaihe, prepare and occupy Central plains of Di clansmen the sign is resolute to fight, one snow national humiliation.Result things go contrary to one's wishes, the battle beats on hurting, finally throw Kui to leave A, opposed by the masses and deserted by fo, scared to death him to run back.
The Yan Hao is discarded for the civilian after defeating, arrived Heng county in Zhejiang, all day he by hand points to in the sky write.The surrounding person is puzzling, secretly observe, discover that his writing him is four"the strange affair of Duo Duo" words."The strange affair of Duo Duo" of Yan Hao wrote to have no to die for several years, however left for the future generations literary reference in"the book of Duo Duo empty".
Thought of here, leaf Hao the sky forbade not to live "ha ha" to smile, but signed a horse to see the Yan of in front east even and quickly accepted smiling face, clapped the shoulder of clapping the other party and comforted his way:"Make Zu personal independence of conduct, have much of a Sheng.Yan elder brother in normal times silent few speech, this is very big with Zu difference."
The east of the Yan is even don't mind his smiling face, followed stem to smile 2, mean deeply long he say:"The brothers has rather.First after Zu Northern Expedition defeats, everyday'the book of Duo Duo is empty', be not really delivered crazy, but a book got while surmising Northern Expedition.Unfortunately he is till death to have never made to understand.However that book have no lost, but from east the Jin had been turning down,Artist Series.That after, we grow the future generations descendant of even Yan house to contain two parental preceptses, one is to do to live more, little say withered,monster beats by dre christmas gift discount online;It two is carry on the back familiar that now first Zu'the book of Duo Duo is empty'of book."
Leaf Hao the sky surprisedly ask a way;"Say so that elder brother Wu of Yan came out?"
The Yan is eastern a little bit even to nod, sink a track:"That book is long to have 20,000 remaining of speech, I originally thought aring all not understand for many years.After take brothers of rise pill of immortality, the sudden intelligent greatly opens and cut and polish for two months after, want for me to understand on the whole."
Leaf Hao the sky is also a book insect, smell speech exciting tunnel:"What book does that walk?Is very interesting?"
The east of the Yan is even to answer a way:"That is 1 《 holds strange hold machine through 》, and then call 《 through 》, 《 Wo machine through 》.Preface after saying is Emperor Huang's strong minister breeze write, the of Zhou Dynasty is too male to take into to lead to state, male in Han dynasty Related articles:

