
Beats by Dre Electroplating glect the influence

Go out.
The small You is one hair violent wind, immediately not greatly same.
Nine light balls successively fly, will four deep-fry from the shield of the limb leave broken up, an among those from was directly deep-fried more to fly to fall mountain wall, drive etc. the Ci Kai over there Er one sword decapitation. The essence of ice blue star is to build the gum mire that the evil insect mother makes, although not the ability immunity completely curse,is a chain gold puppet of it can neglect the influence for being subjected to, hence unexpectedly live by one person's dint enemy three lose shield of from, also nowise fall in breeze.
BE cursed influence of Li rare friendship's dealing with Ma method is equally cursed of sword shield warrior, seemed to be still to slightly have the last breeze.
Now, unique can the Lyu was that sorcery teacher.
Although wear glacier to protect A,be subjected to the influence for cursing, he wants to win virtuous Si of orchid and Wei Lin Liang Ren, seem is not too may.The war capability of original most is evil to spoil, that evil clan turns of tyrant lizard, unexpectedly drive ice the blue star directly assassinate ……this lets the sorcery teacher is very distress.
He from think the situation of absolute advantage, unexpectedly at wink have already turned into naught?
"Grasping is live."Orchid did the virtuous Si even now talk.
He has never continued Shi Fa, but draw out burning evil sword, the acceleration rushes at mountain wall and go the aureole of Shu in the absolute being under, orchid virtuous Si not fee what dint hurtled to climb mountain wall, burning evil flame Teng of sword jump, one sword blocks the warrior of ice blue star in front to cut in half into two pieces.
Wei the wood trusted, he loudly sang voodoo and prepared the strongest sorcery for oneself, the victory or defeat has been already divided, this kind of condition, already the nothing important hangs to read.
"I am very curious, you are how to control the living creature that the purgatory turns, that tyrant lizard, obviously have the characteristic of evil clan."The orchid virtuous Si lightly asks a way.
"Ka Ka Ka ……descend purgatory to ask the lord of sad Qi."That sorcery teacher sneers at.
The orchid virtuous Si Mo stretches out a hand and heavily knocks on the face of sorcery teacher, listens to a to lightly ring, this one punch unexpectedly beats the next Han of that sorcery teacher dislocate.
"Try to commit suicide, this doesn't like, I haven't allowed your dead to drop, my captive."The orchid virtuous Si lightly claps the top of head of the other party, smile way.
Extract confession, orchid virtuous Si and Ci Kai Er all very specialty, if calculate small You and go together with the medicine of, the orchid virtuous Si believes even if this sorcery teacher contain the will of alchemist sort firmness, is unavoidably cooperated by 3 people of power destroy.
They soon asked some clueses.
The English space benefit's research toward sorcery obviously had extraordinary progress, it is said that that a name calls there isn't vulgar progress on the research set that the sorcery bedlamite of genius leads research that turns in the purgatory.
Hence, the English space benefits other people and then throws vision to evil clan amount most district, be fond of the verdant mountain range of virtuous Luo empire.
They controled the method of a kind of control evil clan, this time, they send come of crack,Beats by Dre Electroplating, would be and build up four sorceries in the verdant mountain range, these four sorceries will absorb circumferential purgatory breathing and returns it at 1:00, then, again control the magic that collects 1:00 in special way, control a sorcery evil clan within scope.
That is evil to turn tyrant lizard, would be this kind of technical experiment, but the English space benefit Royal the confidential bureau want to build up of the super large sorcery is to intend to control one whole evil clan den and change into its one strange soldier of paying and offend to break to be fond of virtuous Luo empire from the inner part.
But ……regrettable ……here have the orchid virtuous Si.
This is in the world, even if is a sorcery genius, also can not compare with the orchid's virtuous Si understands more to the evil clan, because, he owns evil rule of build ……evil turn tyrant lizard, to orchid virtuous Si to say be not what complicated matter, just, function and cost of the first computing of the orchid virtuous Si habitual again begin, he still sees not up the finished product of degree in"will drill the tyrant lizard of ground".
"Four super large sorcery?"Orchid virtuous Si's trampling is cross-examined of the sorcery teacher of neither dead nor alive, be partial to a head from the language way, " Wu, I smelt interesting smell."
"Do you want to do what?"The Ma method suspiciously looking at orchid virtuous Si.
"Want not to want and see, that?Does "the orchid virtuous Si Xi laughs merrily a way, " have a so sublime beautiful scenery very seldom, if personally ruin ……definitely very interesting."
"You are this small bedlamite ……" Ma method Chen way, suddenly once the Yuan Er smile, "however sound to have fun well."
"Have fun together."The small You jumped to come over, the way of Rang Rang.
"Does this kind of matter , in your eyes, just have fun?"Wei wry smile wood write to shake a way.
Mountain range deep place, there is an unknown mountain peak, it the likeness trumpet reply on the ground and compare with a surrounding point such as awl sting of mountain peak, seem to be simple and honest cool-headed, its top is different is as surface neat, it ascend all of a trees have no, is just that the one present the mountain stone in dark red.
From a distance, the small You then saw "trumpet" that that body flushes from the blind side of other mountain peaks, calling of excitement way:"Is that?"
"May, it is really different."The orchid virtuous Si point nods and changes direction a Ma method.
"See mine."The wing person's young girl is tiny tiny on smiling, flap a wing to start to fly, hover around to stir Gao, look for a suitable observation.
"See purely?"
"Seem to there is strange fog there not, although is very thin, oddness of is how can not see clear, be like ……I can not come together eyes at top similar."The Ma method shouts a way.
"Understand."The orchid virtuous Si played to loudly point,
A group of people perfectly straight goes forward to the target, can not use how long and then cross woods and a defile and appear under the foot of a hill.
"Jie Jie Jie ……have a guest."
The orchid virtuous Si stops a step and stirs sword, just he whole body sorcery full-length gown, go together with this handle lance, seem to be particularly weird-orchid the virtuous Si once turned round and looking at to talk a direction for spreading, a long time just slowly says:"Where come of stupid goods."
The voice in"Jie Jie Jie, you despise my Yao ……" quickly converted a direction and continued point to say with smile.
"You walk first."The orchid virtuous Si stopped to stop, waved hand way, " the enemy like this isn't what person is many and then can cope with."
"Your a person can?"The Ma method curiously asks a way.
Even now, not the summit of hill of distance suddenly the Teng rise giant light pillar and cover with the whole apex among them, keep to master the sky upward.Only pillar tiny variety, have numerous complicated signs unclearly among them a clear on putting out, deeply wear a certain and huge pressure, it living the public to be afraid.
The orotund Xiu in"Jie Jie Jie, have been already started ……" isn't done know where emitted out, hope that an act of the grand view point to say with smile very leisurely and carefreely.
"You return be really don't worry at all."The orchid virtuous Si sneers at.
The small You worries of saw virtuous Si of orchid one eye, and then tooked a look the direction that the voice spreads, bit to bite lips, then pull Li the rare friendship run to the hilltop.
" Don't you worry at all?" Li the rare friendship lightly say with smile.
" This kind of bit part, where is the opponent of virtuous orchid Si ……hope the virtuous Si of orchid doesn't want to toss about him too pathetic good."The small You doesn't know and is answering Li the rare friendship is still comforting oneself.
"Ci Kai the Er is a , you walk toward another direction."The orchid virtuous Si waits person to say to the Ma method, " faces west south 5 kilometers and seeks another sorcery."
"Are you how can anyone know over there?"That unpleasant to hear voice curiously asks a way.
"Take this as basis to in brief, with due south square that evil on-line in the clan den make uniform a triangle with equilateral right angle by this length, the position that would is another sorcery.Do I say that you haven't studied?Talk with illiteracy is really a pain."The orchid is virtuous Si taunt way.
"You dare to laugh at me!"That voice explodes with rage and depends on, unexpectedly is stabbed pain place.
The suddenly a burst of strong wind starts to blow, the orchid virtuous Si heart reads a to move and urgently retreated several steps.Luckily he responds very and quickly, the Rao is such, the still many numbers way clearly cuts a scar on the full-length gown and seem drive several sharp knife to once mowed generally.
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