
cnn ctions blood all

Among the paladins will figure is still there, but is somewhat pant for breath .Visible falling two holy level strong is a mercenary Empire this one - this time with spelling ,apparently Darrow they win, but they also paid consumption to in vivo half power price .
Therefore ,they do not have the ability to play Darrow, a joint attack .While the mercenaries party was still nearly 100 strong Saint class ,situation of Dark Alliance for the increasingly adverse - Nois also sees this, mouth aspects of smile ,said: death of cold ! - is this word ,but as the alarm as bombardment in all mercenary mind ,immediately sounded like waves in the battle cry - nearly 100 holy level strong again is silver ,with Daro and others rushed past, and the ground of millions of mercenaries have hand-held weapon rushes in to tower body washed .
- the wall under the gates open ,already unsupportable of dark alliance with out of the gates ,and the most prominent is the hundreds of huge Titans - as a battle cry, a cry ,separated by only two in two camps began to attack warfare .
Due to an air two st stage the confrontation to start with ,the more intense ,it is holy level strong battle - decided to empire true destiny ,finally at this moment start .While Lei Hu was still in a deep cave ,strange is Thunder Tiger had conjured the armor ,hands grip the axe .
( Literature ) - near the cave as ,thunder tiger suddenly along somewhere in a stone wall .Just heard a thud ,dazzling light is coming - Thunder Tiger smiled ,lift the foot to the light at one step ,eyes show the scene such as the land of idyllic beauty of the king, the most conspicuous is that a bit thick giant walking , relationresultThe 277th chapter ,the four forbidden spell , relationresultSoundsound ,a sound screaming , royal immersed in hell .
relationresultThe sky,silver and Dark Alliance ,with dozens of holy level strong has intense and mercenary party nearly 100 strong fighting together ,Facebook,all the time may have the level of the fall .
relationresultStclass struggle dazzling is the Daro sixteen sacred ride with Nois and other four elders of leading a dozen st class a dogfight .relationresultDaro.Power consumption to many ,but the Wu Shuangxiu in his fusion mump and elements of the case, and Nois had to be roughly the same bucket .
The sixteen sacred ride with Mount sacred horse with Fei to together, strength is not one plus one is so simple ,mercenaries four elders with a dozen San level under strong joint or how shall the sixteen sacred ride will match attack ,was in the wind .
relationresultWhile the otherholy level is not strong ,almost all of one to one bucket together .It is more intense ,the two party has the saint class strong in the fall .relationresultIf the skyin the fierce fighting, the ground battle can only be used to describe the tragic .
relationresultGo forward with great strength and vigourRaven has been approaching the wall ,the wall of the archer also crazy shooting a city like the ants of the mercenary ,suddenly scream again and again, the blood fly .
relationresultSurprisebattle conspicuous is that hundreds of Titans, have a huge body as an advantage ,as a solid fortress block under the castle wall .Lift thick strong fist ,constantly bombarded by Chung from the mercenary .
relationresultBut themercenary is too much, to repel a mercenary ,then several mercenary rushed in ,went back several mercenaries ,suddenly a group of mercenaries come ,that group of mercenaries as not just a cockroach ,war is tragic, bloody a .
relationresultMercenarycomplex personnel ,strength is not all, group and no tactical at all, with the number of dominant .The royal guards and dwarven battle is a battle veteran, cooperate each other, also blocked a battle circle ,ruthless to harvest the mercenaries .
relationresultButthe mercenary is too many ,each regret defying death ,royal guards and dwarf soldier casualties have been increasing .Suddenly a piece of flesh and blood flying in all directions ,blood all over the river, across the battlefield with vigour and vitality rich scent .
relationresultTwo partyfaction and increase in casualties ,the parties of the elite to defend ,volume is many also come into the city .relationresultAndone of the most gorgeous wars ring ,white wind brought two hundred white Luo Dianshi and flame and dragon two s level into a mercenary group .
Beautiful you clear stream ,interspersed with ,but hides unlimited murder .relationresultFlamedragon formerly two class s mercenary regiment is through special training ,tactical mistakes ,combined with into ,cnn,the overall strength of a strong ,can be likened to the imperial Legion strength .
Two hundred white Luo Dianshi are selected elite essence ,every one has Dajianshi strength ,but with the two s class mercenary group is extremely reluctant to fight ,with casualties and ,if it were not for the holy level strong wind wheel white ,otherwise will be more heavy casualties .
relationresultAccording topresent situation, if the emperor never backed it, will definitely defeat .Because the mercenary is too many ,and each skill is uncommon ,are subjected to blood baptism ,success is only a question of time .
relationresultAnd thiscreated the movement has alarmed the entire piece of royal ,as the guardian spirit of the war tiger family naturally reluctant to withdraw .relationresultFiercetiger is still a heroic extraordinary ,took less than two with tiger army and rigid training near three hundred Wei rush out ,went straight to the outside .
relationresultBardac and othersalso smell the wind ,then regardless of Thunder Tiger out of the courtyard with vigour and vitality ,running to the battlefield ,only Mei Li princess was simply to persuade to stay .
relationresultNow,the whole piece of Royal confusion ,panic and flee,google, but everyone is looking forward to empire patron return .relationresultKill !~ and a battle cry ,but from the Royal ring .
relationresultFiercetiger Yao silver ,hold the sword ,took all the gates at .Those blocking Titans know is from their own side ,he opened a road broad .relationresultFiercetiger to be the first to bear the brunt ,Feizhou waves ,rushed to the mercenary group .
Hands full of silver sword wielding shade, at several meters ,are cold sword heartless harvest life .relationresultWar TigerLegion and Wei as punch out of joining the fray ,the mercenary and heavier casualties .
The battlefield is also getting more and more intense ,dead bodies lying to a blood ,dyed with earth .relationresultAt this moment,the sky suddenly started around 100 fine figure ,carrying fluttered almost transparent color tiny wing ,the most obvious is induced in the anterior five quite authority figure .
relationresultElven Empirefive elders and 100 magic Legion finally dispatched .relationresultIn addition toELF five elders still does not move ,the 100 elves begin the regular scatter to Related articles:

