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Busy tone, has hung up the line!The atmosphere of the scene suddenly stop coming pole.And no one dare to speak, only the nervous breathing as one falls!(PS: wireless network is rubbish, made a lot of effort to get up, you will forgive me!Come on up!No collection of brothers and sisters, [] up as soon as possible!This is a book that will have milepost sense of urban underworld ^_^).[...Chapter sixty-sixth line of life and deathChapter sixty-sixth line of life and deathDu Hujian Xie Tianqiang looked nervous, could not help close to him, be careful and asked: "president, what's going on?You are so nervous!"Xie Tianqiang is no words, conscious of wanting to look at the side of the four men, low voice shouted: "Zhao Yanran was kidnapped!In place of Beijiao iron and steel plant!This matter should not be delayed., we have to take immediate action!"Meet Xie Tianqiang face a nervous, Xue Gang can not help but anxious said: "thank Shaozhu!Well!There must be an enemy ambush, the risk of X ì ng need not say!Let me take a snow leopard J ī ng English with you together!"See Xue Gang volunteered, side, Chen Tao, and Yang Wei Du tiger also are not nod say was, in their view, such a time of crisis, fight a lone battle is sure to fall into a snare!",http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Vuitton;Good!Now ready to start!Xue gang you lead the snow leopard J ī ng before I set out, it immediately issues, Beijiao is a place of waste iron and steel factory, the specific details I do not have to say, you well on the battlefield!But have a bit, do not let Zhao Yanran have an accident!Remember!Remember!"Xue Gang Xie Tianqiang looked nervous, will immediately respond to the head, and then said: "thank Shaozhu!Please rest assured!I will be careful!Must be the successful completion of the task!"Xie Tianqiang then walked out of the day strong group headquarters in Beijiao,www.yinfay.com, capital city of the abandoned steel factory run.The car,louis vuitton outlet store, his Lamborghini sports car like thunder lightning speed on the highway.Not for a few minutes, Xie Tianqiang sports car GPRS system will remind him into an abandoned steel factory big M é n.His conscious saccadic Related articles:

